1979-1980 Yearbook

THE QUESTIONING logo "Is there life after nursing school ?," explains the rigorous routine of nursing students . Ideally, the student should be present when his patient delivers. During this semester, the students work in labor and delivery, post partum and pediatrics. The second semester program includes the senior experience, which is a period of six weeks when the students are allowed to work in a hospital in whichever area of nursing in which they are most interested. A1so during the second semester, the students go out to various rural schools to teach pupils basic hygiene and conduct physical examinations. The skills lab provides a setting to practice such tasks as bed making, taking blood pressures and giving physical examinations. Also a po ..t of the resources center is the computer room where students receive computer-assisted instruction in pre-nursing courses. The philosophy 01 the school states ,"Man is a unique being created in the image of God , comprised of four dimensions: physical , psychological, spiritual and social. " In response to this idea , the school is set up to include the study of all facets of man in the learning program. Dean Smith stated, "The students l e~rn not only nursing skills, nursing theory and content on pathophysiology and drugs and solutions, but they also learn good communication skills and how to interact with other health care professionals. And we place them in a variety of settings . "For example, they would be taking care of clients, or patients as you know them, in hospitals, community health settings and schools. " After the school receives accreditation, there is a possibility of a master's program being instituted to offer continuing education in nursing. But Dean Smith says, "None of these goals will be undertaken without the undergraduate program being firmly established." - Sheila Choate ~ (continued on page 172)