Doing his job with silent efficiency Within the day-to-day operations of an institution the size of Harding. there are- bound to be a number of "unsung heroes" behind the scenes - people who toiled long and hard with little of the fonnal recognition that accompanies more prestigious positions. Such a man is John Boyer, who has daily made the rounds as garbage truck operator for the past eight years. Highly visible but at the same time almost totally anonymous to the campus community, John DISPOSING of the Art Departme"t's trash , 101m Boyer loads I,is truck. does his job with silent efficiency. He is practically inclispensible. After all few know where all the garbage pick-up points scattered around campus are and how to get in and out of the Searcy landfill when rain has turned the place into a sea of mud. Working under campus maintenance foreman Larry Daughety, John starts his run every day except Sunday at 7:30 a.m., sharp. During the school year, he has an assistant working with him, often an ex-student who has remained in Searcy for one reason or another. The first and last weeks of each semester are understandably the heaviest trash periods, and at these times will often be three men working on the truck. They may put on 60- to 70-hour weeks just keeping the dorm stairwells cleaned out. Personally, John is a quiet man of great stamina who has called White County his home since birth. He lives in Griffithville and drives several miles in to work every morning. He is conscien· tious about his job and takes the task seriously, but like everyone, John enjoys a good laugh and is not above pulling a practical joke on a fellow worker. i?\ IIl!iJ - Gary Hane5 u... licMy • Postcffice Clerk LINdH .IYln • Secretory, Development Office .....i ......, IA • Secretary, History Deportment Ed.... m, .N • Staff Nurse SCI_ .oW.N,Ai • Director, New Women's Holl SIMI" .0';,.., IA • Assistant to the President Bryon A. lowon, IA • Compfrolier IkIn ShockeNord, ThD, • Director , Armstrong Hall lomono SMckelford • Receptionist, Media Center lobbie Shackelford • Academy Dorm Director 1....11 Showolter, MA • Director of Finoncial Aid J. D. Siltr • Custodian, Science Building .ncy SiMp.on • Accoonts Receivable Clerk c.rroI W. SMittI, PIID • Research Associate ••Cel S.hII • Custodion, Science Building Dill... So... . Secretory, School of Nursing H.,...... $fturioct:, IA • Chief Engineer M....n S.owt • Secretory, Admissions Office Denni. A. Swoyne, BA • Assistant Director of Media Center Jade D. Thoma., PhD • Di rector of Counseling Center Kcrtrine nm...., IA • Secretory, Institutional Testing Office M.. Anne Tlldeer, IA • Cashier, Bookstore Mtlrtt.a Underwood • Desk Clerk, Heritage Center ierNe Vi.... Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds Will... T. W.II.ce, MA • Assistant Registrar D. GeM W.rd • Computer Technician Z..t D. Wmon, IS • Accoontant '-'y l. Wen. • financial Aids Office H.,.. WII' • Director of Hording Press • ...-yo Willon • Assistont Director of Admissions Dorotlty Woodrwff • Secretary, Development Office l..,." Word • Moil Order Supervisor, Bookstore AMI Wrigil. • Secretory, Development Office Mille y_rfwovg•• Secretary, Registrar 's Office Pet YOU"" BA • Cashier, Business Office LOUIftII I,ceokl, IS • Secretory, Public Relations Office 161 Staff