. -- 132 1. FOLLOWING a strenuous race, a Hard ing swimmer i~ congra tulated by Coach - Jack Boustead on this effort . 2. IN AN EXCITING swim meet at the new pool, Steve Froehlich swims tile breast stroke. 3. SWIMMING TEAM. FRONT ROW: Gurganus, Clark. S. Smith , E. Smith , Beach. Froehlich , Kicklighter. SECOND ROW: B. Waites. Martin. Anderson , Fraley, Norton. Euda ly, Da venport, C. Waites. Frederickson, Boustead-Coach . BACK ROW: Burkett , Perry, /. larDs , Craig, Allen , P. Jaros. 4. JUST before the gun sounds, Water buffalo Vernon Beach tenses fo r the start. 5. FROM the three-meter board Ha rding diver Jim Davenport performs a back dive in a layo ut posit ion. Divers spring ahead The muscles in his thighs rippled as Rusty stepped onto the board . With precision, Rusty's arms swung first to the rear, then forward with a determined gait. The board flapped a reverberating echo across the pool as Rusty sprang from it into the air. He brought his body into a tuck, then a pike , then rotated forward into the water. "Nine" the judges' ca rds read , followed by a thunderous clap of hands from the audience at the Harding diving meet. Rusty Anderson smiled at his score as Jim Davenport , Perry Fraley, Mike Gurganus and Dob Waites , continued to exhibit their diving and swimming prowess in the meet . "In dual meets there are three judges," Rusty said, "who grade each diver on a scale of one to ten . They judge on our approach to the board, height , form in the air and entry into the water. " Swimming During the week in preparation for an event, divers "stretch out for 15 to 20 minutes, then spring on the board for about 5 minutes to get used to it , then begin working on each characteristic of the dive to make sure it is correct before going to the next one," Rusty said . How did Rusty become interested in diving1 "When I was a kid, I used to mess around the pool like all the rest of the kids. I've always been athletically THRUSTING his arms ;1Ito the air. Rusty Allderso n begin s the preliminary moveme" ts for Q back dive. --- ~~lr~j