1979-1980 Yearbook

Cheerleaders 'Get it together' Their suitcases were unpacked a week before the other students arrived , and for nine hours every day the nine-member cheerleader squad prepared for the coming season of sports activity on the Harding campus. "The first of the year is the busiest:' said }ani Orr . "We have to get used to each other and learn all the cheers. You have nine different girls from nine different states that cheer nine different ways. It takes a lot of time to get together. " What was involved in the life of HEAD cheerleader Ian ; Orr cheers the Bisons on to vicfory. a cheerleader? }ani illustrated: "We send cookies to players, give Kool -Aid to the football team after each practice, give the basketball team a surprise Christmas party, make different favors for team members and just let them know that we' re behind them whether it 's with a note or cookies." The cheerleading squad was chosen by a student body-faculty panel including two football players, two basketball players, two baseball players, SA members and department representatives. Two freshmen cheerleaders are chosen at freshmen orientation . - Beth Parker 111 Cheerleaders