1978-1979 Yearbook

Chi Alpha captures two titles during first year Starting off their first year on a positive note by gaining two victories, Chi Alpha Rho took the small club softball championship and the bowling trophy as well . The group participated in all other club sports except speedball . The club, which started the fall with 21 members, totalled 48 after pledging was over . Deriving its name from the Greek symbols for the letters which spell joy, Chi .Alpha selected green as the club color and the yellow rose as the flower which would represent the organization . Sponsors advising the new club were Mrs. Jean Tate and Mrs. Carol Isom. After showering away the remains of rough night, the pledges and actives were invited to share a slumber party and devotional in the Isom home . In early December, club members and dates went on a hayride and cookout. To serve others, the club participated in the Student Association Toy and Dolly Drive and made weekly visits to the elderly at Leisure Lodge . Devotionals were planned with Tri Alpha, Tofebt and AGO . II.. \ ...__..__.__ _ . . _----, ~----.~----.-.-- - .-. . " .. . - " " "'- Chi Alpha Rho 1. PATTI HUNTER AND LISA PRATT examine new jerseys at a January meeting of Chi Alpha Rho. 2. CHI ALPHA RHO. 1. Sewell 2 . Dykes 3. Elliott 4. Pratt 5. Arms 6 . Hughes 7. R. Sanders B. Hagler 9. Lindsey 10. Myers 11. Mitchell 12. Story 13. Parsley 14. White 15. Pam Farmer 16. Corder 17. Harris lB. Ward 19. K. Sanders 20. Skipper 21. Galbraith 22. Klundt 23. Brown 24. Oberholzer 25. Johnson 26. Starling 27. Barnick 2B. Boles 29. Land 30. The fence around which Chi Alpha Rho is pictured is a snake-construction split rail model found in Pioneer Vill~ge. Frashier 31 . Patti Farmer 32. Tucker 33. Carter 34. Collins 35. Schloffman 36. Booth 37. Keith. 3. OFFICERS AND BEAUX. Front row: Liz Wardpresident, Donna Land·vice - president, Lisa Sewell-secretary , Sherril Brazell-treasurer. Back row: Steve Awtrey and Jeff Woods-beaux. Chi Alpha Rho ~ 83