1978-1979 Yearbook

DEGE OEGE adopts foster father in Letona Mr. Jack Watts of Letona became the proud father of 49 girls this fall - courtesy of OEGE social club. OEGE voted to cosponsor Mr . Watts, who had served as foster father for .King's Men for the past five years . Club members helped provide funeral music at the passing of Mrs . Watts and brightened the holidays for the disabled Mr. Watts . As in years past, OEGE manned the Red Cross Blood Draw on the campus, performing registration tasks, labeling blood and assisting those who needed moral support. The three-day drive, based in New Dorm lobby, yielded 805 pints of blood. During the second semester, OEGE' s highlights were the Spring Sing production "Lady Luck" and Spring Break campaign activities in Columbus, Ohio. Participation in club sports gained the group A and B team vollevball championships. 1. OFFICERS AND BEAUX. Front row: Tad Danner, Mark Brasher, David Perkins , Benjie Nail-beaux. Back row: Becky Cox-vice-president, Donna May-secretary , Tammy Ratliffpresident, Connie Caplener-treasurer. 2. OEGE. 1. Ball 2. Lori Duncan 3. Robinson 4. Holland 5. Cox 6. Landry 7. Jackson 8 . McDougle 9 . Caplener 10. Martin 11. Lisa Duncan 12. Moody 13. Smith 14. L. Deacon 15. Beggs 16". Hutson 17. Cole 18. Lane 19. Westmoreland 20. Crabb 21. West 22. Davis 23. Lovell 24. Robbins 25 . Lapp 26. J . Deacon 27. May 28. Ratliff 29. Davis 30. Bristow 31. Nail 32. Szczerba 33. Sabo 34. Hazel 35. Beeson 36. Erskin . 3 . OEGE beau Tad Danner, none too sympathetically , reads the last rites to a student preparing to donate blood, while Jeannie Istre looks on . OEGE ~ 65