1978-1979 Yearbook

Kappa Sigs enter Bike-a-thon for Cystic Fibrosis gappa Bigs "Fellowship and closeness have always characterized our brothersister club relationship," stated Kappa Sigs president Tim Powers, and the group continued that tradition with an outing to Petit Jean Mountain with sister club Tri K.appa. The 90 members of Kappa Sigs, winners of last year's All Sport's "B" trophy, began involving new members soon after Pledge week by competing in all club sports. Second semester, Kappa Sigs again participated in the Annual Bike-a-thon for Cystic Fibrosis, which is sponsored each year by Tri-Kappa . The Spring banquet was held at the Fairfield Bay Country Club on the north shore of Greer's Ferry Lake . Constructed as a one story frame building, the Paschall house is presently a boardj· house for male students. 1. FAKING a shot, John Paul Orr goes up as teammate Jeff Burge sneaks around for a shot in the Kappa Sigs- Titans A-team basketball game. 2. KAPPA SIGMA KAPPA. 1. Jeff Hazelip 2. Effendi 3. Billy Smith 4. Vredingburgh 5. Brandy 6. Yingling 7. Hendrix 8. Kaplan 9. Simpson 10. Betancourt 11. Blake 12. Burkett 13. Bergsten 14. Eudaly 15. Arnold 16. Phipps 17. Rosenbaum 18. Campbell 19. Trotter 20. Lacefield 21 . Loden 22. Weeks 23. Pat Hazelip 24. Babbitt 25. Howard 26. Betts 27. Graham 28. Bryan Smith 29. Fitzjerreli 30. Browning 31. Grigson 32. Cunningham 33. Lonnie Smith 34. Hager 35. West 36. Graddy 37. Nelson 38. Grigson 39. D. Miller 40. Power 41. Croom 42. R . Miller 43. Bingman 44. Hurst 45. Burgess 46. Mabe 47. Lea 48. Porterfield 49. Hefley 50. Hewitt . 3. OFFICERS AND QUEEN. Hal West-secretary , John Grigsontreasurer, Judi Garner-queen , Tim Power-president, Bill Hefley-vicepresident. 62 ~ Kappa Sigs