1978-1979 Yearbook

JOY Bible Hour benefits from Delta Chi's labors An August cookout, a float trip on the Spring River, a skating party with brother club Alpha Omega in October, a Halloween masquerade, a hayride and scavenger hunt, bowling party in November and a Christmas party preceding the holidays combined to keep Delta Chi members busy during the fall semester. Many of the 49 Delta Chi women took part in club sports competing in softball, bowling, speedball, volleyball ~nd track. Delta Chi conducted service activities to accompany their social and athletic programs . During the first semester, the women provided cookies for the JOY Bible hour and spent the day at the Arkansas Children's Colony in Conway. Delta Chi 1. DELTA CHI'S Shirley Wilkerson and Alpha Omega's Steve Richardson test their coordination in the Almost Anything Goes three-legged race. 2. OFFICERS AND BEAUX. Front row: Jim Merritt-beau, Carolyn Jackson-vice-president. Back row: Kim Rich-secretary, Keith Riley-beau, Stephanie Nance-president, Betsy Schroeder-treasurer. 3. DELTA CHI. 1. Fain 2. Brown 3. Cox 4. Hillis 5. Catherine Jackson 6. Rich 7. Nance 8 . Brown 9. McCollum 10. Clark 11. Horn 12. Robinson 13. Arnot 14. Carolyn Jackson 15. Morrow 16. Parker 17. Burk 18. Felps 19. Hudson 20. Griffen 21. Schroeder. This beautiful Searcy house serves as a reminder of "the good old days" when log fires kept settlers warm in the winter and summer nights were spent on the front porch swing. Delta Chi ~ 53