1978-1979 Yearbook

j Husbands provide meal at Sweetheart Ball congregation . 'The purpose of TAG is to serve the l'Jlarried students at Harding by giving them a chaIJce to fellowship with other couples and families still in school," stated Richard King, president of the club. With sponsors Mr. and Mrs . James Carr and Mrs . and Mrs. Ed Wilson, the group had a skating party during the fall and a pizza party in January. Working toward this goal, the 60 adult members of the organization and their children met twice a month for a pot luck dinner and devotignal period. February 10 the wives of members were treated at the Valentine's "Sweetheart Ball" when their husbands fixed dinner and served it in the fellowship hall of the College church of Christ. To open the year, Richard King was present at the registration tables , informing married students about TAG and inviting them to meet club members at a picnic on the grounds of the Downtown Working w.ith the Arkansas Arthritis Foundation, TAG members divided into groups to solicit donations from Searcy businesses . They raised over $300 . TAG members are pictured in the fellowship hall of the College church of Christ, part of the building's 1975 addition. 1. SURVEYING activities during registration, TAG president Richard King and daughter Diane take a break while preparing to enroll in fall classes. 2. TAG. 1·3. Hackman 4-6. Bailey 7-11 . Bendickson 12-13. Pirtle 14-17. Dillard 18-21. King 22-24. MacDonald 25-26. Justice 27-29. Hughes 30-31 . Clark 32-35. Alexander 36-38. Leonard 39-40. Buck 41-43. Rimer. 3. OFFICERS. Front row : Micke MacDonald-vicepresident, Richard King-president . Back row: Dick Hackman-treasurer, Bud Rimer-secretary. TAG TAG ~ 49