1978-1979 Yearbook

46 ~ Club Insights ,..-r n many way', dub, ." ~ the lifeblood of social life at Harding. While giving an open door to new friendships and a sense of belonging, they provide also opportunities to serve, lead , work and compete. In them one grows . Many had to deal with the feelings of rejection felt when they did not receive a bid from their first choice of clubs . There was then the very difficult decision of whether to pledge the club that did accept them. In a strange way , club members established relationships with their pledges through humiliation, pressure and physical exertion during pledge week . It was a strained position for both pledges and pledgemasters and mistresses as they tried to maintain composure and be neither offended nor offensive. Just as in any good thing, there were bad qualities in clubs at Harding . Club stigmas such as "cutie pies, " "Amazon women ," "greasers, " and other (many times