1978-1979 Yearbook

GROUPS Re.J1lJr stepping out tbIe pear are the IIOdaI ditbe. 0rIen- ..... keeping the • ...,..,..I_ buar. the dub spIdt opetIed up a world of _MI MJpe (...... llighlll) _ pro!IIded loiii of good tIme8. Look Into the orgIIIIIDtIonI MCtIon (page 92) for groupe" ..,......, .. terest. ATHLETES 11aeN _ an ep_de on c:ampua 8de pear at we aU ell'_" BIsdn F_. From the eighth:~dWe Ale dlamplonahlp of the CI'OII8 country team to the loot· ballliIaIon In wblc:h ___ contell4l1\8 for _bar_ iii the oonfeI8I1C8 but Ioet out on the II8Jdoto-lllet game. _ .... wInD... at heart In every sport. SCHOLARS Before you ran ....,. give oat _ aead elldce section a c:ItaIa. Wn.__ the -...-......... _ IaamIng 8JIP8IIeDc:e8 of ........ who In 1979 made the pregraduation tran8ItIoM from college to-" DIe. Check It out! FACES See Who Is Who and view at vantage point the pia you elected to represent you at queens. find your face In the classes section. beginning on page 232. (You'D be ordered by last names. not your 80CIal securtty number.) WILDCATS The pre-college daye were pretty exdtIng for the Academy crew as weD. This section focuses on the changes that made 1979 unique for them. SPONSORS-INDEX Be sure to look through this section for the Harding supo portela In Searcy and other cities. You might even lind the lice of someone you know there. What's faster than letting your lingers do the walking in the Yellow Pages? •.• LettIng them tread through our Index - rearranged thinner columns for easter reading. Contents ~ 3