1978-1979 Yearbook

The 'great alVakening-'----------- The dawn of what one student termed a "great awakening" among Harding students, came on August 25 when over 400 people attended Harding's first all-school retreat. Total commitment was the challenge proposed by Jim McGuiggan as he spoke on the theme of the retreat , "Discipleship ." "Christ looks for an attitude , not flawlessness ," he said to his listeners as he urged them to not be discouraged in' their striving for true discipleship. "Here's where we see the distinction between doing good and surrendering the heart ," he continued , "There's a totality of surrender called for here. " Conducted by the World Evangelism Forum (WEF) and cosponsored by the Student Association, the retreat spurred a fervor of excitement among students as they talked about the event with friends . Immediately, many began to use what they had learned . Alter leaving the retreat on Saturday morning over 100 students assisted Terry Smith and the College church in knocking doors and offering their services to Searcy residents . On Sunday immediately following the retreat , the College church began its fall meeting with Neale Pryor. Arresting the attention of College students with a topic of common interest, Pryor presented a series of meaningful lessons on the family and marriage . It was with Thailand missionary Parker Henderson on September 12-13, that WEF and Timothy Club began a joint series of speakers . The combining of efforts by the two groups in obtaining speakers provided 36 ~ Spiritual Life "People are seeking out true Christianity seeking the power of the Christian life." - David Weidner "