1978-1979 Yearbook

Another year has passed - it is hard to believe. As in the past, many . changes took place in our lives. Some were welcomed; others resented. For some, physical changes took place as we grew and matured. For others, changes in our spiritual life occurred. Many came to know Jesus and decided to follow Him. We learned not to depend on athletic achievements to keep up our spirits, but became dependent on our faith in God, relishing the friendship of those who grew to be so close to us. We set goals for our accomplishments. Some met these goals while others let time slip away. But now the year is over , leaving just a memory . In this yearbook we attempted to capture these precious memories , but many aspects were left untouched, which are very special to each individual. Now as we look back, we wish we had been more loving to those who were very dear to us. We wish we had taken advantage of the many opportunities we had but took for granted. We can only look ahead to the future , setting new goals and aiming for a closer relationship with God. - John Glenn Epilogue ~ 367