1978-1979 Yearbook

ELEmENTARY 1. FOURTH GRADE FOOTBALL PLAYERS. Front Row, Mackey. Daughety, Dugger, Eads, Cox, Higbee, Robison. Back Row: Qual/s, O/ree, Cook, Smith, McGaha, Brown, Citty . 2. FIFTH AND SIXTH GRADE FOOTBALL PLAYERS. Front Row: R. Pitchford, Gillham, Elliott, Thomas, D. Pitchford, Dobbins. Second Row: Branch, Altman, Nichols, Bartholomew, O/ree, Reynolds, Clark, House. Back Row: Bolding, Fox, Burks, Throckmorton, White, Smith . Henderson, TijJee , Richey. Coaches: Sexon and Dickey. 3. THETHERBALL pro - vides a welcome release from studying. 4. KITTEN CLUB. Front Row, Porter. Tate , Leonard. Second Row: Farrar, Poe , Carter. Third Row: Smith , McDonald , McCoy, Underwood. Back Row: Hackman , Rowan, Barrett, Lyons. 366 ~ Elementary