1978-1979 Yearbook

The work of the Student Association began immediately in August with the traditional mixer to incorporate new students. Featured at the mixer was Flying Ace, a rock band partly composed of Academy students. The Student Association sponsored a retreat to Camp Tahkodah in late Octobe r, and two teachers , Ray Wright and Pete McCoy , were the guest speakers. Other student activities sponsored were Twerp Week, Time of Day and devotionals . 1. S.A. REPRESENTATIVES. Front Row, Baker, M oore, Alexander, Warren , Woodroof. Priest. Middle Row: Miller, Evans , Smith, Ozbirn, White , Back Row: Aaron, Barden. 2. S.A. OFFICERS. Front Row: Glenn-V.P. , Rushing.Pres., OldhamSec .. Back Row: Henderson and Browningsponsors. 3. SPEAKING at the Retreat, Mike Rushing directs the Bluff devotional . 4. LIBRARY AIDES. Front Row, Mathis, Gould, Reynolds. Middle Row: Britton, Ruddick, Collins. Back Row: Browning· sponsor, Johnson, Smith. 5. TEACHING Nancy Mathis to shelve books is librarian Ruth Browning. 318 ~ S.A. ~ 5