1978-1979 Yearbook

TEAmWORK With 101 members, t~e Royal Academy Players proved to be the largest special interest group in the Academy this year. If Girls Asked Boys for Dates, directed by Paul Therrell , was the first play presented by the Players . A one-act comedy about the reversal of ro les, the production had Teresa Pri est , Mark White and Joe Aaron as its leading characters . duction was a take-off of "Our Mi ss Brooks" radio play. Joe Aaron, president of the Players, sta ted , "My goal is to provide the opportunity for 'potential entertainers to get ' up front' and perform . I try to get as many differe nt people included in chapel skits , plays, speech tournaments and variety shows as possible ." Our Beloued Miss Brooks and the Christmas Carol , directed by J eannie Gillmore, the organization's new sponsor, was the Christmas play. This proThe Playe rs who did not perform on stage put their talents to use by helping with lights, c6stumes , set design, make - . up and adverti sing. 1. ACTING comes natural for Joe Galloway and Paul Therrell . 2. ROYAL ACADEMY PLAYERS: Front Row: Thomas, Davis, Walker, Porter, S. Corbin, L. Underwood , Allen, Barnes , Bailey. Second Row: S. Under· wood. Loftin, Cux, Barrett , L. Priest, Ha le, Joyner, Coker, Bridges, Cilly, Higginbotham , Land, McCampbe ll , Moon , Polk , Reynolds, Jordan, Yarbrough. Third Row: Gillmore, Pitt· man, Morris, Warren , Wells, Mille r, Breshears, Romine, Alexander, Pryor, M. Priest, Bryant, Igo , George, Cannon, Gentry, M. Cook, Jones , KUhnl . Fourth Row: Kurabayash i, L. Shirley. R. Smith, Hale , Ward , Jewell, Sharp, Dugger, V. Baker, Miller, Campbell, Berry , B. Smith , Beck, T. Priest, Flippin , Tindell , O'Brien, Louell, E. Shirley . Fifth Row: Erwin, Shackelford, Ballinger, L. Bailey, P. Cook , Holder , C. Corbin, Kreitling , Hackman, Williams , Pyland , White , Morton , Hughes, Lyons , Kajama , L. Baker, Huffman , Nichols, T. Finley , R. Woodroof. Back Row, S. Finley , Gibson, Yagyu, Hackman , Muncy, Gal/away , Richey, Pryor, ESSig, Atnip, Daniel , Therrell , Aaron, Russhing, Musick, Kell, Warren , Mallatt , Clark. 3. TAKING lead parts in If Girls Asked Boys for Dates, Joe Aaron and Barbie Smith perform in chapel . . Players ~ 317