1978-1979 Yearbook

Sub-Deb The Sub-Deb social club was enhanced with the addition of twelve new» people of whom Miss Jeannie Gillmore, the new sponsor, was one. The other eleven were new members who endured a "tortuous" rough night. Rough initiation started with the "joy" ride to the home of Julie Clark while pledges were blindfolded and packed in the back of a pick-up truck. Activities ended with a bunking party at the home of Sharon Wright. The new members were honored at the formal initiation held at the home of Angie Land, president. 316. Sub·Deb The beaux, Rees Lloyd and Zac Muncy, boosted the morale of the members in many different ways. Not only did they coach at softball and volleyball games, but they also surprised the girls by giving each a white carnation on the day of the first football game. Many activities took place during the year, such as locker sign work parties, devotionals, intramural competition and a Christmas party at which the members exchanged gag gifts. The climax was the banquet held on February 3. 1. SUB·DEB SOCIAL CLUB. Front Row, Hale. Kreitfing, Hackman, Jones, Suzuki , Woodroof, George, Mathis , Susan Wright , Land. Back Row: Gentry, Clark, Gillmoresponsor, Sharon Wright, Norwood, Berry, Smith, Holder , Vinson, Williams , Shackelford, Kajama, Brightman , M. Wright. 2. CHEERING the Wildcats on , Sub·Deb pledges do the "Boogie ." 3. B~UX: Zae Muncy and Rees Lloyd.