314" KAT EAT Eight new members pledged KAT in October. Rough night began at the Wildcat-Palestine football game. The ple~ges dressed like cats and cheered in competition with the other social clubs for the Spirit Award. Following some other initiation activities at the football field, the KAT pledges and members had a bunking party at the home of Angie Pyland. During the year the club members participated in intramural sports activities and highlighted the year with a banquet held on February 24. Club beaux Joe Aaron and Mike Peacock provided spirit by putting carnations on the lockers of new pledges. They also decorated all KAT lockers with signs and gave each member candy. 1. MOMENTARILY forgetting the embar· rassment of pledge week, Carol Coker, Karen Flippin, and Debbie Farnum anticipate a Wildcat firstdown. 2. BEAUX: Mike Peacock and Joe Aaron. 3. KAT SOCIAL CLUB. Front Row, Jordan, Moon, Robison , Moore, Ke ll, Nichols, Tindell, McCampbell, Coker, Tsiniginie, Erwin, Polk , Tate , Cannon, Huffman. Back Row: O'Brien, Flippin, Arnold-sponsor, Alexander, Pyland, Morton , Hughes, Lyons.