darkened hall - way - a reflec- - lion of emptiness after the hubbub of shuffling feet , banging lockers , and shouting that characterizes , each school day. The silence clings to the walls only to be pushed out, bright and early at 7 :30 a.m., by the echo of chorus members' footsteps and sleepy voices. Gradually the noise increases. By 8:20, the hall is buzzing again with its usual clamor. Several minutes later, teachers make it to their first-hour classes - late as usual - to meet the glassy-eyed stares of drowsy students. The somnolent students stagger through the first hour and, incredibly, some even manage to learn! The bell announces the beginning of chapel ; and the silence that fills the air , broken only by the spontaneous singing of praises, is not a result of sleepiness, but of a reverence of God. By the end of the third period, the students are wide awake and ready for lunch. Returning with renewed vigor, everyone attacks the last three classes of the day, studying for tests at the last minute and finishing homework that should have been done the night before. At 3 :30 , the last bell rings , students pour out of the doors like flood waters, and the hall is dominated by silence again. As it began, another school day has ended. 1. AS EVENING draws nigh, darkness creeps ouer the empty halls . 2. MAKING USE of a study period, Charles and Ken Smith study for a test . 3. BETWEEN classes , Maresa Moon gets books from her locker. 4. KATHY BROWN listens attentively. 5. JUST out of P.E. , Keith Green finishes his lunch at the Student Center. 6. DISGUSTED with her friends, A lana 150m tries to enjoy her lunch. 7. LAUGHING at a joke is Susan Wright. Academy Prologue ~ 307