1978-1979 Yearbook

, Ji, _ CHRISTIAN COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM / A , Arendale, Herman • Hixson, TN Bailey, Stuart • Sudbury, Ontario Blakeney, Thomas· Utica, MI Bryant, John· Rhome, TX Compton, David • Bixby, OK Cooper, Rocky· lake Charles, LA Cordy, David. New Carrollton, MD Corwin, Ricban! • Muscatine, IA Culbertson, Jerry • Kennett, MO Duvall, Jame•• Tuckerman, AR Fiorito, Jam... Cheney, WA Gardner, Mike • Hayti, MO Hale, Norman. Bentonville, AR Harris, Randy • Joliet, IL " Hayden, David • EI Paso, TX Huyghebaert, lut • Roselore, Belgium Jackion, Homer. Hattiesburg, MS Lyons, Robert • Martinez, GA Moyes, Alan • Anderson, IN Menges, Thomas • Hope, AR Moore, Brutus. Jocksonville, NC Morse, Chod • Anchoroge, Al Onelo, Joseph. Ypsilonti, MI Parter, Stephen. Dallas, TX Parts, Bobby • Van Buren, AR Poe, James • Benton, KY Romsey, Roy • Fort Gibson, OK Ream, Thomas • Bokersfield, CA Roberts, Larry. Abingdon, VA Sawyer, Larry. lebanon, TN Smith, Michael • Noble, OK SpeHer, Frans. Scheidam, Holland Sutherland, David • Benton, KY Walton, Woyne • Jonesboro, AR Webb, Stan • Pine Bluff, AR Whisenhunt, Russell. Knox.ville, TN Jones recruits for CCP In January, 1978, Joe Jones became assistant director of the Christian Communications Program and was specifically responsible for recruiting and fund-raising. As a result of his appOintment, the Epsilon class that enrolled in the fall of 1978 was 30 per cent larger than the Delta class preceding it. The 22 students entering the Epsilon class on August 21 were from 21 states and two foreign countries , Belgium and Canada. The men ranged in age from 21 to 54 years, with an average age of 30, and eight of the students had a baccaluareate degree or higher. At the beginning of the program, only a few members of the Bible faculty were assigned to teaching the CCP courses under the direction of Ed Sanders, but, beginning with the 1978 fall semester, every member of the Bible faculty was assigned to teach one or more courses during the two~ year curriculum of a given class . This change was made so that the students can benefit from the varied experiences and background of the Bible faculty. Left, EXPOUNDING on Acts, CCP student Larry Sawyer teaches the college age class at the church in Judsonia. CCP ~ 303