1978-1979 Yearbook

GRADUATE Graduate classes expand During 1978, Harding Col - lege conferred the Master of Education degree upon 17 stu dents~ Five were awarded at the May 14 commencement , eight at the August 11 graduation and four at the December 15 ceremonies . Three of the degrees were in elementary education, one in speci al education and 13 in secondary ed ucation. Of the 13 secondary majors, three were in physical educat ion, two each in English and social science and one each in Bible , biology, home econom i cs, music , psychology· and speech. years. Also, more evening classes in subject areas were scheduled than in previous years in an effort to meet the. needs of more public school teachers in the area. A course in middle school education was approved for the 1979-80 school year. Dr. Wyatt J ones, Director of the Graduate Program , attended the annual meetings of the Conference o f Southern Graduate Schools and the Arkansas Graduate School Deans' Association . Right GRADUATE COUNCIL. Front Row: Wyatt Jones, Bobby Coker, James Carr. Second Row: Graduate classes in education were larger in 1978-79 than they had been in recent Harry O/ree, Ed Sewell, Joseph Pryor, Jack Wood Sears. 302 ~ Graduates A~xander, Embra • DeValis Bluff, AR Arnn, Deborah • Pocachontas, AR Arnold, Lindo • Avinger, TX Bames, Rick • Searcy, AR Berryhill, Merrill • Seorcy, AR Berryman, John • Dequincy, LA Bram, PfIff1Icia • Searcy, AR Campbell, Linda • Searcy, AR Cams, Karen· Romano, OK Cox, Mickey • Newman , GA Do.ety, Mary Lou • Searcy, AR Dicks, Cherie. Lake City, Fl Frey, Ronald. Ann Arbor, MI Graul, Michael • Cahokio, Il Hamilton, Anita • Searcy, AR Hawley, Stephen. lubbock, TX Heaton, Charles. Tulsa, OK Hood, Kregg • 001105, TX Jomer, Alice • Searcy, AR Lee, E. D•• Searcy, AR Mitchell, Mike • Sheffield, Al Morris, Howanl • Florence, AL Nail, aeniie • Bay Minette, Al NeIll, Beverly • Boy Minette, Al Qualls, Kenneth. Searcy, AR Rine, Dennis • Wheeling, WV Ruud, David • Upland, CA Sobo, Borbara • Monroeville , OH Sflepherd, Greg • Piketon, OH Sflock, Robert • Conway , AR Simmons, James • Oil Trough, AR Smith, Lindo • Brookhaven, MS Swayne, Dennis • Kensett , AR Whitten, Alan • Searcy, AR Wright, Patricio. Bentonville, AR Yingling, Barbara • Searcy, AR