routine. It did for studentS before 1979, and it will probably playas big a part in future students' lives as well. The bell tower was here before Harding students were. Actually, it was here before it was the bell tower. Originally, the bricks in the bell tower were part of the walls of old Godden Hall which housed the post office, library and choral studios of Galloway Women's College. The bell hung from the ceiling of Godden Hall and rang for curfew every night. It was operated by a pullrope in the attic of the Hall. For a short time, one year after Harding moved here, the bell seemed to ring by itself late at night. The old Godden Hall Left, STANDING between Pattie Cobb and Kendall, the bell tower provides campus nostalgia. ghost was born! Students thought the ancient structure was haunted. Eventually, the "ghost," two male students, was found and the mystery was solved. Although the ghost died , the bell lived on. During the school year of 1950-51 old Godden Hall was replaced by the Bible , Administration and Ganus buildings. Brick from the old hall, along with four corner stones from other old Galloway buildings went into the making of what is now the bell tower. The old Godden bell was moved to the tower and hooked to an electrical on/off switch in Patti Cobb dormitory. It rang for curfew every night at seven. The new bell tower was also used to signify special events. Dr. Ganus remembers the 1954 school year when Harding received North Central Accreditation, " the bell rang loud and long." Though the bell has not rung lately for special events, we still hear it every night five minutes before curfew. This year the bell tower has been more ' than a curfew ringer. Many remember pledge week: "Be at the bell tower at seven sharp in the morning. Don't be late!" The bell tower had to hear many shouts of "I'm a kitten, she's a kitten, we are all Chi Lambda kittens; wouldn't you like to be a kitten too?" Then there was rough night. Many sad, dejected , scared pledges sat on the corner benches inside the bell tower praying for mercy. "Somehow the bell tower seemed a lifeline. It was my only security. It 's so big and old," remembered one pledge. Because of its age, the bell tower makes a good place for pictures. Social club Ka -Re-Ta had its club picture taken there this year. "It was kind of special," said member Patti Bryant. The bell tower serves useful purposes too. Lynette Vance said once she and two friends were sitting outside the bell tower talking . After about four hours it started to rain, "So we just ran inside the bell tower. We stood there and talked for 30 minutes. It was fun." For whatever reason, we a ll remember the bell tower. Freshman Marilyn Sewell remembered "running across campus at night hearing the bell and hoping to get back before late minutes." Cheryl Bailey said it well: "I'll always remember the bell tower. It's a central part of Harding." - Tara Gumser Raulston, Herbert • Bridgeport, AL Rawlings, Jack • Winfield, IL Redding, Melissa. Louisvil le , KY Reed, Douglas. Marietta, GA Reed, Lora. Terre Haute, IN Reynolds, Richard • Searcy, AR Richardson, Mark. Schiedam, Netherlands Richardson, Steve • Ho t Springs, AR Riley, Eric • Fort Worth, TX Risinger, Mandy. Tuscubmia, AL Ritchie, Alice. Taylors, SC Ritchie, Rachel • 5100 Jambes, Belgium Robbins, Edy • Florence, Al Roberson, Julia. Nashville, AR Roberts, Shayne. Arvada, CO Robertson, Jim • New Boston, TX Robinson, Patricia. Gar land , TX Robinson, Teresa. Birmingham, Al Robison, Elmo • Searcy, AR Rogers, Charles. Morrilton, AR Rowen, Doug • Hampton, AR Ruff, Mark. Benton, AR Ruscin, Carol • McRae, AR Rusk, Donald. Manchester, MO Russell, Cheryl. Terre Haute, IN Salings, Jimmy • Oakville, MO Sandley, John. Mobile, Al Sapio, Linda • Norcross, GA Schildknecht, Pamekl • Strafford, MO Schlesier, Sarah • Brinkley, AR Schloffman, Lori • Nash~ille, TN Schmin. Richard. Santa Rosa, CA Scan. Joey • Cabot, AR· Segraves, Judy • Searcy, AR Selvidge, Jane. Streator, Il Sewell, Marilyn • EI Dorado, AR Shackelford, Donna • Searcy, AR Shackle", Tracy. Marietta, GA Shappley, Robert. Tupelo, MS Shay, Cynthia • Norton, Il Shelton. James • Kensett, AR Sheridan, Sara • Rochester, NY Parham-Sheridan" 297