1978-1979 Yearbook

Miller, Don. Marietta, GA Miller, Patty. Pasedena, TX Miller, Rebecca. Prescott, AZ Miller, Ronald. Milton , FL Mitchell , David • Sheffield , Al Mitchen, Susan • Botan Rouge , LA Moody, Robin. Benton, AR Moore, John A•• Camp leJeunne, NC Moore, John W• • McMinnville , TN Moore, Lawrence • St . Petersburg, Fl Moore, Susan. Steelville , MO Morales, Maria • EI Paso, TX Moran, Rosemary· Eastwood 5063, Austral ia Morgan, Shan· Alexandria, VA Morris, Sue. N. little Rock , AR Morrison , Christye • Derby , KS Morton, Sondra· Chattanooga, TN Mosher, Yalorie • Clovis , NM Mott, Lq.nan • Orlinda, TN Murphy, Caron. Memphis, TN Myers, LeAnne • Montgomery, AL Mopier, Lavon • Searcy , AR Neal , laritl..... Keller , TX Neill , Yolerie • Lincoln Park , MI Nellis, Diane • Morrilton , AR Nelson, David • Oak Ridge, TN Nelson, Nick • Beaumont, TX Nicholson, Amy • Norris, TN Noe, Brent • Brookline , MO Noell , Marcia • Vi salia, CA Noland, Betsy • Tinton Falls, NJ Norwood, Ronald· Cheyenne, WY O'Brien, Bobby • Searcy, AR Oliver, Debbie. Roya l Oak, MI OIilllr, Me" • Dallas, TX Oliver, Michael· Royal Oak, MI Oliver, Stephen • Baton Rouge, LA Orr, Jani • little Rock , AR Orr, Walter. Saskatoon Sask, Conodo Otsuka , Shinobu • Chibo City 281 , Japan Owens, David • Fort Worth , TX Podge", David • Levy, AR Where the old meets the new Standing in open-mouthed amazement, the group of youngsters stared at the tall , glass cases. Encased within were all types of things they had never seen before: a snake's skeleton , the beginning of life - an embryo - in a jar, fossils . All the things pertaining to nature and life and science seemed to be present there in the old Science Building. Such are my recollections of what is now the Olen Hendrix Building from camp days at Wyldewood Left, STANDING on the northeast side of the campus, the Olen Hen - drix building serues as home base for nursing and home economics majors. when all campers were given a tour of the campus each session . One of the original buildings on the campus when Harding bought Galloway Female College, the Olen Hendrix Building was a stately old structure . Hardwood floors creaked as one walked the sterilesmelling halls . Through multipaned windows sunlight streamed into the halls overpowering the interior lighting and silhouetting figures as they worked . It was a typical school-type building. Halls ran the length of it , halted by stairs at each end. Classes and offices lined each side of the halls . All that is gone now. White walls, large, singlepane windows and stairs on the outside now characterize the building after total interior renovation of the structure in 1975. Thinly slatted venetian blinds in bright colors control the amount of sunlight that filters in , and modern florescent lighting no longer allows the sun to cast overpowering glare into a room. The building is now a modern , technologically equipped center for learning. Yet , with the original exterior still housing the modern interior , the Olen Hendrix Building marks a place where the old meets the new. The doric pillasters which decorate the exterior come into contrast with the Nursing and Home Economics Depart - ments' latest eqUipment. The symmetry and order of the exterior design is in juxtaposition with the abrupt design of the interior . Observing the building from the outSide , one is reminded of ancient Roman architecture with its massiveness and continuity . While the building's facade bears the sign of age , it gives the building the qualities of a landmark . - Robert Barker Lutrell-Padgett ~ 295