1978-1979 Yearbook

pool was relocated to its present sight where old Godden Hall once stood. The goldfish and lily pads have long been absent from the pool, but it is still called the "lily pool." It also still provides a scenic setting with its fountain for May Fete each year and for night time devotionals with its cyclical red, green and blue lights . On the warmer days of the year , for many students, the pool serves as a cool spot in which to rest hot, tired feet while studying. Built simply to beautify the grounds, the lily pool has since become the sight for meaningful moments and some activities that administration members say have never been approved. Some anonymous pranksters once put gelatin in the pool on a cold evening. The next day one of the world's largest desserts was awaiting the Harding students. More common pranks in relation to the lily pool include introduction of laundry powder into the water. It seems the sight of suds , boiling from a fountain newly thrills someone every year and motivates the polluting of the waters. At other times, such things as ducks, trout and red food coloring have been placed in the lily pool. To most people who come to Harding, however, the lily pool is now and will always be a landmark of Harding. - Brad Watson Above, SITUATED in front of the Administration Building, the lily pool is a traditional landmark. Kelley, keith. Son Antonio, TX Killen, Linda - Sownee Mission, KS kinser, Brad - Monticello, IL kirby, Janet. Jackson. TN kirk, Terri - Fayeftev:lle, AR kitchens, Valerie - Jackson. MS klundt, lana - Lake Sf. Louis. MO kreeman, Tonya - Harrison. AR Krumrei, Sally - Haarlem. Netherlands kuhn, Darrell - Marshall. IL Lacey, Gill - Bu lawayo, Rhodesia Laterney, Pamela - Springfield, VA lamb, Ruth - Garland, TX Landrum, Patsy - Woodburn. KY lane, Donna - Guy. AR lane, laria - Worner Robins, GA Lane, Mark - Wynne, AR langston, Janie - Melbourne. AR lawson, Carole - Nicholasville, KY lay, Mark - MCAlester , OK layne, Jane - Trenton. MI Lea, keith - Rogers. AR leamons, Renda - Camden, AR Ledford, Don - Dearborn. WI lee, Robert • Jacksonville, NC Lee, Shari - Alexandria. LA leJeune, leigh - Port Allen, LA Lenderman, Tracy - Pensacola, Fl letcher, Tine - Vista. CA lewandoski, Tanya - Jacksonville. AR lindsey, Renee - Paragould, AR loftin, Arthur - Somerville. NJ Lowery, keith - Corpus Christi, TX lowrance, Teresa - Charlotte. NC lundquist, Vern - Lindenwood. IL Jamison-Lundquist ~ 293