1978-1979 Yearbook

roary Ginn CIannon.o Mary Ann Cannon of Mt. Airy, North Carolina selected a double major in elementary education and Spanish. She was a member of Kappa Delta Pi, an education honor sOciety. Her interest in music lead Mary Ann to three years of participation in the A Cappella, one year in women's ensemble and two years in the Belles and Beaux, She joined International Campaigns to Europe as a freshman and later traveled to Venezuela with other Spanish speaking students to do campaign work there. "I hope to be a good teacher and have a positive influence on the lives I touch. to accept trials with widsom and courage and to learn and grow through them," commented Mary Ann. "My one goal is to submit every aspect of my life to the Lord's control, with a willingness to follow in whatever direction that may lead me," commented Debra Cave, a native of Searcy. In striving to reach that goal, Debra majored in nursing and minored in home economics and Bible, Debra gained a four~year standing on the Dean's list as well as membership in Alpha Chi. She was active in both the Harding Student Nurses Association and the Nursing Honor Society, A member of Tri Kappa social club, Debra was elected to the homecoming court as a freshman and to the Winter Festival court as a senior. "I plan someday to be a part of a mission team - possibly to work with Heartbeat here in the States and eventually to work overseas," said junior libby Cochran of Hobbs, New Mexico, Libby combined a nursing major with activities of the Spiritual Life Committee to prepare for these plans. Her freshman year she served as women's representative to the Student Association, and was chosen Homecoming attendant. Libby maintained Dean's List status for three years and participated in Chorale and Brazil Campaigns. she was a member of Zeta Rho social club, Chairman of the Spiritual Life Committee in his junior year. Ross Cochran was elected to serve as Student Association president during his senior year. Working toward a degree in Bible and minoring in Greek, he was a member of Timothy Club and devoted a summer to the Brazilian Campaign effort. Ross competed on the tennis team his freshman year and partiCipated in intramurals as well, Zeta Rho women's club elected him to serve as beau for three years. Ross was a member of Chi Sigma Alpha social club. "We have a responsibility no matter what state the world is in, to make it a better place for those who come after us." -Doug Burns