1978-1979 Yearbook

Multi-talented Rhodes retires Greg Rhodes retired January 1 from a 32-year association with Harding College that covered a broad area of service and an even broader expanse of territory. During his tenure as transportation officer for the college, he drove the Harding bus 1,400,000 miles , covering every state in the continental United States. He made the trips in a baltered vehicle known as "Aunt Rena ," a later addition acquired by the college in 1957 and a streamlined Continental Trailways bus that came to Harding in 1971. He haul ed second gene ration students, represented eve ry department of the college , and accumulated many tales that involved romance , practical jokes, mechanical difficult ies and lasting friendsh ip and respect. After joining the Harding staff in 1946 as a maintenance assistant, he was assigned the driving duties and laundry manager in 1947 . The college then had about 400 students. By 1965 enrollment had grown so that both the transportation department and laundry needed full time personnel, so "Uncle Greg, " as he had become to his passengers, took the driving task. Such a nerve-racking job might have been exasperating for many , but Greg instead became a happy member of whatever group he was transporting , and he became an honorary member of several of them. His expert handling of the bus was recognized as he could parallel park in a space many drivers would have trouble filting an auto. He drove until July 1975 when a heart attack curtailed his activities. Since that time he has been supervisor of the American Heritage Center. On January 8, 1979, Rhodes was honored at a retirement dinner and received a gold watch. With his retirement , Harding College for the first time since it came into being is without the services of an employee by that surname. His uncle B. F. Rhodes (for whom Rhodes Memoria l Field House is named) came from Harper College to Morrilton in 1924. Frank Rhodes was chairman of the history department in the '40's and his brothers J ess and Hugh taught accountting and physical education , respectively . Right: RETIRED from his duties as manager of American Hc.ritage, Greg Rhodes relaxes in his home. Don Shackelford. ThD • Oir., Armstrong Hall Ramona Shackelford • Receptionist, Media Center $IIerry Shepherd· Sec., Ass!. to President Russell Showolter. MA • Oir ., Financial Aids Sandi Simmons • Computer Operator , Business Office Nancy Simpson • Accounts Receivable Clerk Charlene Smith· Sec., Vice President Dianne Sosebee. Sec . , Nursing Division Hermon Spurlock . BA • Chief Engineer Dennis Swayne . BA • Asst . Oir ., Media Center Ida Taylor. Bookkeeper, Accounting Office Jack Thomos . PhD. OiL , Counseling Center Katrina Timms. BA • Sec . . Testing Office Mae Alln Tucker. BA • Clerk, Bookstore Bemie Vines • Supt. of Buildings and Grounds Lois Vines . BA • Sec . , Education Dept . Pula Vines. BS • library Asst . William Wallace , MA • Ass!. Registror Ivo Joan Walters • Custodion, Art Dept. Gene Ward. (omputer Technician Bob Watson, MA • Specia l Representative learl Watson, BS • Accountant Hermon West • Oir .. Hard ing Press Rosemary Wilson • Assistant to Dir. of Admissions Dorothy Woodruff. Sec ., Development Office LoureJia Word. Moil Order Sup., Bookstore Ann Wright • Sec ., Development Office Gloria Dean Wright, BA • Sec . , Art Dept . Millie Yarbrough • Sec. , Registrar's Office Pat Young. BA • Cashier, Business Office Staff" 201