1978-1979 Yearbook

Benson's 80th: a gala affair Gala was the mood, warm were the wishes, complimen* tary were the expressions and $131 ,466 was the net result of the 80th birthday party complimenting Dr. George S. Benson September 26 at the American Heritage Charles White Cafeteria. More than 425 well-wishers from across the country paid $80 a plate for the dinner, and a member of the college's board of trustees matched the amount raised , the total going toward building costs of the $2.6 million , 3 ,400-seat George S. Benson auditorium now under construction on the campus. The hall was decorated in keeping with two major facets of Benson's life - Americanism and Harding College . A large floral arrangement in red, white and blue, accented with American flags , was prepared by Mrs . Corinne Hart for the speaker's table. A portrait of the honoree by artist Lee Watts of Searcy was on display and patriotic banners together with Harding's colors of black and gold were in predominance. At the back of the podium were renderings of the proposed auditorium and a composite line drawing by Jerry Palmer depicting highlights of Dr. Ben- ~ I 182 ~ Benson son 's life. State Representative Bobby Glover of Carlisle represented the Governor in presenting honor certificates and a recorded message from Ronald Reagan was played. President Ganus, as master of ceremonies, presented the honoree a collection of letters, congratulatory messages and city and state proclamations, together with a check to be used for a trip for Dr. and Mrs. Benson. Gifts were presented from the National Education Program, which Dr. Benson con· tinues to serve as president. Dr. Kenneth Davis Jr. directed the A Cappella chorus in a program of songs that included "For he's a Jolly Good Fellow. " Culminating the party was the presentation of an elaborately decorated birthday cake bearing 80 burning candles. The confection was served in· formally to the guests following formal dismissal. Righ t, BENSON displays the birthday card presented to him during a fall halftime show. Below lef" ANOTHER HIGHLIGHT of his birthday was receiving honors from State Representative Bobby Glover. Below right: DR. GEORGE BENSON looks on as wife Sally and Louise Ganus con - verse .