1978-1979 Yearbook

RAMURALS_ A Sport For Every Man During the summer of 1978, Cecil Beck, director of men's intramural athletics for 26 years, developed the new intramural field across the railroad tracks from the Administration Building. Reworking the old intramural field, he had to move it south several feet to make room for the George S. Benson Auditorium now under construction. The new facilities added a lighted softball fi e ld 'lnd a lighted football field , each with a new electronic scoreboard. Sportsmanship and leadership continued to have strong emphasis in the program. Beck encouraged the men to participate in as many of the 40 events as possible. "The intramurals sports program at Harding College is designed to give all students an opportunity to participate in a variety of recreational ac· tivities, many of which they can carry over into later life. 'A Sport for Every Man and Every Man in a Sport' is our guiding theme ," commented Beck. "Our program exists for both the beginner and the expert. If you don't know how to playa certain activity , sign up for it and learn ." With this philosophy constantly emphasized, Beck had more than 90 percent of the men involved in some way with the program . Club competition generated the highest level of enthusiasm with large crowds of fans gathering to watch many of the club games , especially those that were crucial in determining the club championship for a given sport. Beck's close supervision of the program helped to maintain high sportsmanship levels , even though the competition was keen . When necessary , Beck disciplined individuals or clubs to achieve the goals of 1. FRATERS' catcher, Jay Lemons, awaits the practice pitch be/ore the afternoon game with Alpha Omega. 2. ON A hot summer day. hard-hitting Bruce Binkley swings the bat once again in one of the many intramural softball games. 3. AS THE LINE heads down the field, Bryan Martin begins the Fraters·Lambdas football game with a powerful kick·off. 4. TOM ALEXANDER anticipates a strike as he carefully tosses the ball over the plate . 5. FINDING an open spot, Sub· T·s Bobby Ballenger charges ahead for more yardage in the B·team championship game with TNT. 6. CONCENTRATlNG on Kings Men's batter, Theta Tau 's Rich Hiley prepares to make a good pitch. 7. THE MEN of Fraters and Alpha · Omega share the bench, intently watching the game at the new intramural field . Intramurals. 163