1978-1979 Yearbook

10 ~ Insights "Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened." - Matthew 7:7-8 hen one begins to enumerate the spiritual ad· vantages of being at Harding. it is a temptation to start naming off the spiritual "events" of the year: the Wyldewood Retreat, club devotionals, the Lee· tureship, JOY devotionals for women, the Prayer Seminar. the trip to the Tulsa Workshop and so on. These were, of course, opportunities; but we're apt to miss the point. A religious gathering was not automatically spiritual. just as a social affair was not always fun. Of necessity, there had to be a response within the individual, based on the desire to grow spiritually. Senior Becky Mitchell said she gained spiritual insights from the people she talked to "in the cafeteria or just around campus." When it seemed that people let her down, Sophomore Nancy Lowry found understanding in "the Word." Of course, this was not the desire of all the students who were at Harding this year. But for those of us who did seek it, this hope provided a common bond with many other students. And as a result of it, we found something greater than ourselves. Insights: our most important ones were spiritual. 1. SUNRISE at Wyldewood, seen from Bee Rock, shows the beauty of God's nature and provides a peaceful setting Jar club devotionals. 2. SILENTLY meditating, Charline Willis, a black girl at Har· ding, shows a tranquil face to the world. 3. TROUBADOR members Karl Wendt and Scott Cody act oui" a scene in a skit for the chapel au· dience. A new religious dramatics group, the Troubadors present some stirring thoughts for everyday living for students. 4. CASUALL Y dressed students gather on the front lawn for Wednesday night services during the first week of school as Harding's chief goal, a richer life with God, is furthered.