1978-1979 Yearbook

Orchestra features diverse solo performances Organized to produce music of the highest quality for the benefit of local audiences, the Harding College Orchestra was composed of both students and members of the faculty. Directed by Travis Cox, the Orchestra presented three concerts during the 1978-79 school year. The fall concert, on December 3, was formal and featured faculty member Steve Campbell as guest soloist on clarinet. Selections included symphonies from Hayden and Beethoven. The winter concert was less formal and featured student soloists playing selected "pop" pieces . The April 29 spring concert was formal. Audiences heard the A Cappella Chorus join with the Orchestra in presenting Beethoven's Choral Fantasy in C and other works for chorus and orchestra. Quartets and ensembles from the orchestra performed for various Arkansas organizations, such as the Beethoven Club, during the year. Cellist Phil Baker compared playing in the orchestra to living the Christian life : "Each Christian has his own particular talents and responsibilities . . . and orchestra is the same way. Obtaining the proper balance of instruments in an orchestra is one of the major objectives of every participant. 1. ORCHESTRA. Front row: E. Smith, Stocklin, Roach , Rivers, M. Hackman, Cox, Baker. Second row: Brooks, Hougey, King, Hill, Roberson, Highfield, M. Smith, Swartwood , S. Hackman, Bruce, Campbell, Wright . Back row: Farrar , Williams, J. Hackman, Hodges , A . Hackman, CoxConductor .2. PERFORMING December 3 in their first concert of the year, the orchestra reproduces a Hayden symphony. 3. SILHOUETTED by the recording studio lights, one lone violinist recreates Beethoven's Choral Fan - tasy in C. ~ orchestra ~ orchestra ~ orchestra ~ orchestra ~ orchestra ~ orchestra ~ orcllestra ~ orchestra ~ orcliestra ~