1977-1978 Yearbook

---------~~~~Iill@n@@~ ([\IID@] ~@~fi@n@@~ --I Department completes self-study for accreditation of social work The Social Work program completed s self study for accred itation by the National Council of Social Work ducation . Joining the social work facu lty this ear was Charles Joiner who directed he annual meeting of directors of the hristian Children's Home held in St . ouis . Dr . Van Tate directed one of the nternational Campaigns in England· nd then did research in Kenya during he summer of 1977. Dr. Bill Verkler. Chairman of the Department of sociology, served this ear as president of the Arkansas ociological Association. In the Psychology Department, wight Ireland joi ned the faculty , aking the place of Bob McKelvain, ho took a leave of absence to work on his doctorate at Texas A and M University . Psychology majors published a monthly newsletter which was sent to alumni of the department. In addition 11 psychology majors pursued graduate degrees at eight different universities. Dr. Jack Thomas, Chairman of the Psychology Department , passed the licensure examination for psychologists in Arkansas . 1. LEAFING through a student's test results, Dr. Verkler prepa"res to counsel a freshman on his career based on personality tests. 2. PAUSING after his presentation, Dr. Van Tate prepares to answer questions at the anthropology workshop. ........ 1t1y,MSSW Assistant Professor Sociology .".iptlrwlollll,MS Instructor Psychology CIIorto. _, MSSW Assistant Professor Social Wor1< Low M-., MAT Assistant Professor Psychology Wolle. P_, PloD Associate Professor Psychology v... 'm, PlIO Assistant Professor Sociology JodcTII_ Do_.. ew.- Associate Professor Psychology .. V.Ior, PloD ~CIo.h_ Professor Sociology Psychology and Sociology • 79