1977-1978 Yearbook

__ ~@l(ill~@ltfi@IID _________________, Coker appointed chairman Dr. Bobby Coker was appointed chairman of the Department of Education effective August 1, 1977, replac ing Dr. Edward G. Sewell who resigned to devote himself to full time teaching. Dr. Coker served as treasurer of the Arkansas Association of Colleges of Teacher Education and on the committee to develop a program approval and on-site visitation evaluation system of teacher education programs in Arkansas. Many members of the education department attended seminars 68 • Education throughout the stat-e . Dr. Wyatt Jones attended two seminars conducted by the Arkansas Department of Education, one on individualized instruction and the other on supervision. Dr. Ed Sewell received a Distinguished Teacher Award for the second time in 1977. I. SERVING at the Faculty Midnight Brunch, Dr. Sewell enjoys waiting on the students during finals week. 2. CARRYING OUT his duties as treaswer of MCTE, Dr. Coker begins his first year as department chaimlO\". __,HD Profes.... - Lok_,1IA Assistant Professor Education u-. .lIwlloN, I4S Instndor _ion .'-tc...,Jr., .. Professor Education ....,CMw,HD Dr 1_1a.... Assodate Professor Education lolly CooII, IIA Assistant Professor Elementary E"cation "",-'HD Professor ~tion _-'PIoD Professor Education ....,.-.IIA Assistant Professor Elementary Education •...,_,IIA Associate Professor Education