1977-1978 Yearbook

sophomore Bible major, won the Arkansas Bob Hope Collegiate Talent 2 Search with his dramatic prison soliloquy, "The Morning of a New Bondage," which he also composed. The 1977 Petit Jean received an AIIAmerican rating from Associate Collegiate Press, the 18th consecutive All-American rating by the Petit Jean , and the general excellence award of the Arkansas College Publications Association . The Bison also received an All-American rating from the Associated Collegiate Press in college newspaper competition . The Economics Team won the southwest regional "Students for Free Enterprise" championship in Dallas with its project , " Free Enterprise , Let' s Rei nvent the Wheel. " The Bus iness Team won first place in its industry in the Emory University Intercollegiate Business Games . Debate teams place both fi rst and second in the Arkansas Speech Communications Festival and !,he forensics teams won the sweepstakes award in si x of the 11 tournaments in whi ch they participated . Dr. Billy Ray Cox received the George Washington Medal for public address for his speech, " Beyond 76 - The Healing of the Land," and Dr. Clifton L. Ganus received a citation for his speech , " America ' s Birthday, 1976," his eighth award from the Foundation . The Center for Private Enterprise Education received the honor certificate in the Economic Education Program division. The institution has purposely pursued a conservative approach to ; higher education designed to meet the : needs of the traditional college ,. student . The success of a large number ; of graduates in graduate and r'professional study indicated that the •students of Harding are receiving : excellent academic preparation . The . commitment and dedication of the graduates to the work of the church and to the spread ing of the gospel of Christ throughout the world indicate that the spiritual objectives are being achieved to a high degree. To insure the same success in the future, Harding must continue to update its programs to keep students prepared for leadership and service in an everchanging society . 1. AIDINC Jean C...,. with • ,Iudenf, bill, Buddy R...... checb off the coned lip.... l . IIIEAKINC the monotony of the day, Dr. Tom H...... rd enjoys • Rood ........ Academics • 63