1977-1978 Yearbook

o ~ ~ @) '\2l 0= ~ @) ~ ~ . ~---------------- Leaders in the College o @) ~ ~ o ~ ~ @) '\2l 0= and the ~ Church ~ 56 • Vice--Presidents o @) ~ ~ BILLY RAY COX, MBA, CPA. Serving as director of the American Studies Program, Dr. Cox organized a program of guest speakers for special seminars with the American Studies students and facu lty and for chapel programs. The following national figures among others were involved in the American Studies Program this year - Dr. C. L. Kay, Senator Sam Ervin, Congressman Jim Guy Tucker , and Senator Strom Thurmond. He also planned two outstanding educat ional tours for students in the program, one in the fall to New Orleans, and the other in the spring to St. Louis . Although heavily involved in the development program of the college and in raising funds for current operational expenses, he taught two classes - Principles of Auditing and Business Law. For the fall semester, his Business Law class was the largest on campus with an enrollment of 161. His recognized business acumen resulted in his being appointed to a number of busin!"ss and philanthropic boa rds includi ng White County Savings & Loan, Small Business Investment Capital , Inc., Young Americans for Freedom, National Security Council and President of the White County Service Corporation. During the year he spoke at the I nternationa l PI atform Association Convention in Washington, D.C. , and the Publ ic Relations Workshop at Ab ilene Christian University. In addition he attended the National Counci l on Philanthropy Workshop in St. Louis . He served as a deacon of the College church of Christ and taught a wellattended Sunday morning Bible class for college students. ~ Serving as president of the Arkansas Intercollegiate Athletic Conference for the second time in 20 years, Dr. Pryor continued to serve as Harding's AIC Faculty Representative. He operated the clock at all home football games and was the official scorekeeper at all home basketball games. "Dr. Joe" received his 35-year service pin at the Faculty-Staff Banquet held near the close of the spring semester. In addition to his administrative responsibil ities, he taug~'t two sections of general education physical science. He also served his 34th year as a faculty advisor to the Petit Jean. In October, Pryor attended the annual meetings of the Arkansas Deans' Association in Little Rock and the Christian College Deans in Malibu, California. In March and April, he attended the meeti ngs of the Association of College Honor Societies in Tampa and the North Central Association in Chicago. Pryor served as secretary-treasurer of the National Council of Alpha Chi which added several chapters during the 1977-78 school year, and personally installed chapters in Virginia, Kentucky and Arkansas. He served as an elder of the College church of Christ and was chairman of the committee that was responsible for the campus ministry activity. He also served on the worship committee and as a substitute teacher for the large auditorium Bible class on Sunday morning. JOSEPH E. PRYOR, PhD.