Looking back ... It's early Friday morning . Today we will complete the final pages of this book and take them to Oklahoma City. What do you say when a very important segment of your life for four years is about to end? I'm so happy that it will all be over, yet that in itself is a sad realization. No more layouts, copy sheets and late nights spent in an office while the rest of the campus sleeps, yet it also means I will no longer be working with some of my dearest friends on earth again. The fourth and final year has been the most difficult for me, yet it has also been the most rewarding. This year taught me a great deal about people, about how disappointing they can be when they leave you down and yet I've learned for every person who left me down , some wonderfu l person came through . And so I want to express my appreciation for those who did more than their share. I'm so grateful for the best advisor possible, Dr . joe, and his wonderful wife, Bessie Mae, for such a helpful assistant editor in Kay, and for great photographers. I'm also thankful to my parents and friends who loved, encouraged and had confidence in me. As a staff we set our goal to be the best. We may not have reached that goal but we tried . We hope we have brought you the best yearbook Harding has ever had. And so the year is almost over. At times the job has been discouraging but God gave me an inner strength to go on. This book is a part of me; I hope in it you can find a part of yourself. Thanks Harding, for the wonderful memories . Tom Buterbaugh • Editor ADVISOR 1978 Petitjean Staff " Assistant Editor Kay Williams and Editor Tom Buterbaugh Dr. joseph Pryor PHOTOGRAPHY Dave Hogan· Head Doug Hudson. Associate, Doug Fonville. Assistant, Gary Hanes EVENTS Kay Williams. Editor PEOPLE Administration and Faculty Philip Gou ld. Editor Classes Sherril Brazell· Editor Kevin Cave, Marcine Lay! Jill Prince, Anne Shields , Tanya Smith, Lynette Vance SPORTS Matt Flinchum • Editor Charles Murphy, jerry Sawyer GROUPS Organizations Kendra Gorrell , Kr is Norton Cindy Harvey • Editor Social Clubs Nancy Lowry Carla Campbell • Editor ACADEMY Susan Pryor· Editor John Glenn. Assistant Editor, jimmy Allen, Melinda Ballinger, Roy Barnes, Susan Coker, julie Green, Nancy Henley, Mike McGaha ADSIINDEX Advertisements ' Richard Roberts • Business Manager Index Steve Heimburger. Ass istant Business Manager, Hal West jane Jackson • Editor Sherril Brazell , Cindy Harvey, Ellen McClurg APPRECIATION Catherine Gould , Mike James, Kim and Susan Moss, the BI SON, Harding Press, Public Relations Office Volume 54 of the Petit lean is a student publication of Harding College, Searcy, Arkansas. The book was printed by Josten's American Yearbook Company, Visalia, California. Representative for Josten's was John Clark of Oklahoma Oty, Oklahoma. Paper stock is 80 pound Warren double coated high glos5 enamel. Endsheet stock is Gold Dust 286. Editor Tom Buterbaugh designed the two-color cover which used gold foil 360 stamped on black Spanish grain. Typography was set by Harding"Press in Searcy. Body type is 10 and 12 point Oracle. Cutlines are set in 8 point Oracle Bold and Futura Condensed. Most headline type not of the Oracle family was handset by the staff using transfer letters. Portraits were by Ben Red Studios, Little Rock, Arkansas. The 1978 Petit lean had a press run of 3,850 copies. Staff Credits • 411