290 • Zeta Phi Zela Zeta Phi and Mohican ,.... " '~ :. , . . .. , . ~'.. ... ~ ..... ~ " .;; 1. ZETA PHI. Front Row: Dabbs, Dill, Basford, Mowbray, Brown, May, Carpenter, Morris, Cook, Button, Terrell, Heglund, Clover, Johnson. Second Row: Lee, -.., Land. Back Row. Moon, Thaooisc:h. Taylor, kellar·sponsor, York, Coe, Hawkins. Bormann, Wilson, Scoby, Highfield, Nunley, Stohldrier, Phillips, Payne, Irby, Setliff, Bowers, Ney, Jackson, Osbum, Morris, Chandler, Franks, Pepper, Mote--sponsor. 2. MOHICAN. Fronl Row: Hawley, Barnett, Lawrence, Davis, Parten, Adams, McAdoo, D. Smith, Brown, Dreher. Sec::ond Row: Horton, George, Taylor, Pettus, Delaughter, Monow, Cloud, S. Smith, Latson, Bowers, Crownover, Mitchell, Wisenhunt, Neu, Steele, Tumer, Hesselrode, Dossett, Lucas, Hagler, Clay, While. Back Row: Watson, Bryant, Mills, Williams, Gamer, D. Smith, Border, Lindsey, Honea, Bames, Carter, Jester, Melson, Wilson, Stone, Hughes, Walters. 3. MOHICAN QUEENS. Gaillrby and Patti May. 4. ZETA PHI BEAUX. Chipper Parks, David Mitchell and Jeff Hughes. . 5. WELCOMING STUDENTS, Zeta Phi's "lillY" signs brightened up the hallways at the beainning of school. 6. lYNN OSBURN patiently waits on a customer at the concession stand which Zeta Phi and Mohicans manned during a horne loot...11 pme. l