Sharing, caring and repairing - TNT's and Zeta Rho's aims 1. TNT QUEEN. Claire Nobles. 2. ZETA RHO. Front Row: ROO5io, Grieb, Schwartz, Picker, Segraves, Muncy, Eubanks, Mott, Brumbelow, A. OIbricht, Grant. 5e<ond Row: Busby, Riley, C. Allen, Till, G. Olbrich!, Altman, Cox, Adamo, French, McPherson, Bryan, Smelser, Romine, k. Rogers, Waller, M<:Kinney, Reynolds, Muncy·sponsor, Preston. BuHerfieldsponsor. Back Row: Hoover, Pruett, Arnold, N. Allen, Kirchner, Nobles. Patterson, Turner, Hankins, Cochran, Reichel, Starks, Miller, C. Rogers, B. Wright, Dillard. 3. TNT. Front Row: Hollaway-sponsor, Sims, Rhodes, Stewart, A. Wright, Allen, Nowlin, Whittingtoo, McCormick, Martin, Ellis, O. Wright, Burns, Porter, Moody. 5e<ond Row: Ramberger, Waineo, Fowler, Osborn, A. Lynn, karapateas, Brown, Clark, OIree, Hooten, Hebbard, Hooper, J. Woods, Grady, Weidner, Williford. Third Row: O. Cave, Pierce, Sain, Boston, Reichel, D. Woodroof, Hudson, Lowry, Hackney, King, Woo<I1Ouse, Lee. Fourth Row: Baylis, PieKe, W. Cave, Sparks, Whitaker, Barnett, Fowler, Jackson, Reynolds, Parkey, Stamatis, Awtrey. Back Row: Shenod, Batie, Hall, Carrell, Augsburxer, Hendricks, S. Wood, Wilson, Mills, Wrye, Perkins, Alexander, J. Woodroof, Curtis, McRoy, K. Cave, McKuen, Payne, M. Lynn, Watson, Posey, ,ustus, ,en· nings, T omme, Mitthell, Shelley, Showalter, Meadows. 4. SILHOUEITED against the sky, Jim Grady gives the time atop the sundial. S. ZETA RHO BEAUX. Phil McCormick, Roger Hooten, Doug Burns and Ross Cochran. 6. StNGtNG the ",ai... of Zeta Rho, Janet Arnold ioins fellow pledges on the Ad· ministration Building steps before Chapel. "Buy a carnation and help send a child to Camp Wyldewood," was Zeta Rho and TNT's plea for Valentines Day . Many quiet moments were shared among the brothers and sisters in these clubs with regular devotional periods. Zeta Rho girls carried out a busy year, not only with brother club members, but with their own projects. The girls visited Leisure Lodge on a regular basis and thrilled the hearts of many with their singing. They held a Homecoming breakfast for alumni and later enjoyed a formal Christmas banquet at Wyldewood. A tradition was established by TNT members some time ago. During the week following pledge week the members gather at Wyldewood to make much needed repairs . This year they reroofed a house. Near the beginning of the spring· semester, TNT members held their spring stag outing at Wyldewood where they held their own worship services and enjoyed the fraternal fellowship. Club sports are always an exciting part of college life and TNT took their part seriously by participating in every event. TNT·289