1. SA PRESIDENT Susan Brady reacts with interest to a committee report during one of the SA's regular Mon"<Lty night meetings. 2. SA REPRESENTATIVES . Clockwise: Till , Hurley, Hughes, Porter, Bender, Jones, Cranford, England, Fitzgerald. 3. SPONSOR for the SA, Dr. Jerome Barnes tail:es notes during a meeting. 4. WORKING during class officer elections, Brenda Picil:er and Dw-itt Yingling check names as students vote. 5. RUSS PORTER listens as the SA discusses the women's sports proposal. 6. SA OFFICERS. Front Row: President Susan Brady. Bac il: Row: Vice-President larry Waller, Treasurer Marl< Miller and Secretary Nita Allen. 7. SOPHOMORE Men's Representative Boyd Jones shows surprise at a comment made during a meeting. 8. COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN . Front Row: Freels, Till . Back Row: Miller, Yingling, Wa tson, Waller. 9. PARTICIPATING in a regular meeting are David Cranford and Sara Be th Fitzgerald. Student Association • 219