1977-1978 Yearbook

208 sport every man and every man in a sport" was the guiding theme of the men's intramural athletic program under the direction of Cecil Beck. Beck has completed 25 years of effect ive service in this capacity. " If you don' t know how to playa certain activity, sign up for it and learn," Beck told the men students and more than 90 per cent of the men were involved some way in the program. The 40-event program challenged many students who had not previously participated in athletics to participate. Sportsmanship and leadership were given strong emphasis in the program. Beck commented, "The entire program is dedicated to the ideal that one who participates should be a better Christian for having done so. Those who participate will be expected to display true sportsmanship at all times. " Club competition proved a great stimu lus to the program. Large crowds of fans gathered to watch the club games, especiall y those that were cruc ial in determining a club championship. In spite of very spir ited play, Beck maintained high sportsmanship levels, disciplining both individual students and entire clubs as need arose. Enthusiasm at some of the club games equalled or surpassed that at intercollegiate events. To promote participation, A, B, C, and even D teams were fielded by clubs in some sports. To equalize competition as much as possible, both large club and small club leagues were implemented. During the fall semester, Theta Tau won both the A and B team championships in small club softball while Moh ican won the A-team big cI ub softball, TNT won the B-team competition and Chi Sigs won the C-team softball event. Kn ights won both the A and B team championships in small club ragtag football while Sub T won the A-team big club football championship and Ki'ppa Sigs won the Band C championships in ragtag football. In small-club volleyball , Theta Tau won the A-team championship, Knights won the B-team, Theta Tau won the Cteam, and Lambda Sigma won the Dteam.! n large-club volleyball ,TNT won the A-team championship while Alpha Tau was winning the other three categor ies. (continued on page 211)