1977-1978 Yearbook

Winning outright AIC championships in cross country and bowling and tieing for the championship in football, while placing second in swimming and tennis, enabled Harding to place third in t he AIC All -Sports competition for 1977 with 66 Y, points, beh ind Ouachita w ith 72 and University of Central Arkansas with 73'1, points . Thi s was the 13th consecutive year that Harding placed fourth or higher in the All -Sports competiti on of the 10member conference . M i ke O'Keefe, a four-year letterman in track and a two-year letterman in cross country, received the 1977 Cliff Shaw Scholar-Ath lete Award presented by the AIC to the graduat ing senior in the Conference earning at least two letters and achieving the highest grade average. He achieved a 3.977 average en route to a major in social science and a strong minor in art which he converted to a B.S. degree in art during the 1977 fall semester . O' Keefe was the 11th Harding athlete in the last 19 years to receive th is award . On Apr il 14, 1977, at the NAIA national bowling tournament in Kansas City, Charles Burt was inducted into the NAIA Bowl ing Hall of Fame. Burt, who participated in four national tournaments during hi s undergraduate years at Harding, is the on ly bowler ever to w in the NAIA singles t itle twice. He won the singles as a freshman in 1966 and again as a senior in 1970. For the second year senior Butch Gardner was named to the A II -NAIA second team in basketball and for the fourth year to the AII -AIC team as he cl imaxed a great career at Hardi ng. He holds the third all-t ime scoring record in AIC annals with a four-year total of 2,255 points in the 107 games he played for the Bisons . On February 21, 1977, hi s jersey with the famed number "20" was retired, the first athlete in any sport at Hardi ng to have hi s number retired. Bisons dom in ated the AII-A IC recipients in cross country and bowling as would be expected since Harding perennially wins the conference championship in these two sports. 206 • AII·Stars Vince Adams Baseball AII-NAIA DiS!. 17 Kyle Asbill Tennis All-Ale Mike Beam Baseba ll All-A le Tim Boyd Swimming All-Ale Gary Brown Football All-Ale AII-NAIA Dist. 17 Lanny Dauksch Football All -Ale AII-NAIA DiS!. 17 Charles Burt A'.lff>;,7,QI.!E NAJAI30Wling Hall of Fame Bryan Davis Bowling All-Ale NAJA All-American Max Ellzey Football All-A le AII-NAIA Dist . 17 Kevin Fisher Bowling All-Ale Ale Singles Champion