1977-1978 Yearbook

Behind the scenes All day long, there are many students that are working behind the scenes. It is these unrecognized services that keep the system going, make life comfortable at Harding and frequently continue traditions. The rewards of their work vary - for some, it's just a job, a way to bring in money; yet , for others it's self-satisfaction as well. Some of the hidden services today are: Pattie Cobb and Heritage dishwashers; mailroom assistants , who distribute the mail ; computer center managers; switchboard operators; the Bison staff, who today begin to compile Friday's paper; and library student workers who patiently re-shelve books. Below are two of the "behind-the-scenes" early morning workers: 1. HEARD BUT NOT SEEN is KHCA disc jockey Steve North trying to cheer on the sleepy disconsolates this Monday morning. 2. STUOENT WORKER Jimmy Martin prepares scrambled eggs for breakfast at Pattie Cobb for the early risers. 18 • One Day