1977-1978 Yearbook

2 A major goal of Harding's gymnastic team has been to be recogni zed as an official intercollegiate sport. The lack of thi s recognition , however , hasn't hampered the team's performance . For the third consecutive year, Harding's talented gymnasts captured the Arkansas Men's State gymnastic titl e. Harding scored a total of 125.70 followed by University of Arkansas with 60.25 and University of Arkansas at Little Rock scoring 51.60 for third 3 • ..c ... place. The Bison,gymnasts had scorings in the f loor exercises , pommel vau lt, still rings, high bar and parallel bars. Hard ing gained four of the top six places in all -around indiv idual scori ngs with Kei th Davidson scoring 6.28 for fi rst pl ace, Mike Prather with 4.96 for th ird , Kevi n Davidson with 4.56 for f ifth, and Ralph Lemon with 4.42 for sixth place . 1. WITH GREAT STAMI NA, Ralph lemon exhibits a leg extension on the still rings. 2. CINDY WARREN shows her flexibility in a move on the balance beam. 3. FOLLOWING SOME POINTERS given by Coach Bai ley, Steve lowry perfects his routine on the parallel bars. 4. GYMNASTICS TEAM. Front Row: Cantrell, Kimmell , Lemon, Alessio, Evans, O. Howell, Norton. Second Row: Coach Bailey, 8. Howell, Davenport, lowry, Galloway. Back Row: Warnock, Warren, karija, Morris, Joumier, Robinson, Perkins. Gymnastics • 193