1977-1978 Yearbook

HOLDING their lighted candles, Ken Harrison, Linda Huffman, Debbie Johnson and Arnold Klemm line up against the wall in the Heritage auditorium as they wait for others to complete lhe ceremony. ALPHA CHI ; L'arry No..aman, Joumolism . Suton Non.... n, English lruc. MII...I" Accounting Mlc.... 1 0'1",., Art and Social Science n.. tt.y OInt, Mathematics and General Business SaIy Poloo. Special Education I ....' Poritio. Nursing Patrici. Parte.r, Elementary Education 1...1d Parte.r, Accounting GkHia P.rry, Nursing Eel• .,. PI.rce, Accounting Cathy PI.., Accounting Da.W Pith, General Science 1•• 1n Popt, Biology D..........., Elementary Education Ik... nlloIttrl1, Accounting P.IIHIIOII, Bible and English o.t.lo••, English WoHI.I..., Bible lu...11 koH, Music Ann. ShIeW., Home Economics LIMo 5_. English None, S., Special Education TIoootloy _ . General Science Larry Stoll". Biblical Longuages s.. S......, Nursing P...II S,"'Writr, Business Education Yield TIIarp, Elementary Education It. TIIOIIIPlon, Nursing 'ran nl, Special Education ___n,.... Speech D... Tro....,. Art Geortt T_, History W.... YIIaII, Bible and Social Science cw, W......., Physicol Education J... W....n, Joumolism Lito W••on, Elementary Education lobert WI.., Social Science n.. W"'oof. Psychology 101Mrt , __, Elementary Education 168 • Alpha Chi h .... l\et1or. ""'sic Stt••• IlIIpt_, Biology