1977-1978 Yearbook

!IS inducted by Alpha Chi Fifteen members of the Arkansas Eta Chapter of Alpha Chi attended the biennial national convention held at the St. Anthony Hotel in San Antonio, Texas, on March 17-19. As the 1978 Petit Jean went to press, the chapter was making plans to send an equally large delegation to the biennial meeting of Region II hosted by Oklahoma Christian College in Oklahoma City on March 30-April 1. Members of the chapter had vol unteered to serve as chairmen or recorders of discussion groups schedu led on topics of pressing importance to our country . The chapter inducted 55 members on October 12 and 43 members on February 15, the largest number of inductees in the history of the chapter. ALPHA CHI Jeffr.y Jacklon, Pres ., Nursing and Bible Gl'fIg McCubbin, Vice Pres" Chemistry Julia Miller, Sec., Sible Wgyne R,ed. Treas. , Bible ..Gary H...., Rep., Politicol Science ",ith Abney. Mathematics A.. ,&w...., Nursing Paul Allen, Accounting and Bible ao,... And.rson, Elementary Education nmotfty Baird, Mathematics Olin Blutharclt, English RobIrt Bonner, Bible Lyle Bontrager, Moss Communications Su.... Brady, Chemistry and Biology Wcryne .,..., French and Spanish Ju4y BrowHr, Chemistry Terry a.m•• Chemistry n.oma 11If........, Art Ste•• lvtt,rfleW, Psychology G... Cott.rt...., Nursing Debra Cave. Nursing k..ln Cline, Mathematics Sandra Coil••, Speech Therapy Midoael C.,., Bible M....,.t Ceriew, Medical Technology I.becca eo",.on, Elementary Education lobert C,...pton, Economics ke"ln DaWn., Mathematics Mory Lou Daughety, Elementary Education Cheryl Deaton, Mathematics Mary Lee Dell, Music Education Susan Dene.ler, Vocational Home Economics Alida DIon, French J.... Dickerson, Piano Oterie Dick., Social Science katherine Dillon, English Julie DI.ch, Monagement Jeffrey (.... hart, Business Administration Lori (ebte., Psychology Dannoh (mbry, Social Work J"-"eltel, Nursing Diana no....., Nursing 166 • Alpha Chi In late February, the chapter hosted an open session on graduate and professional study conducted by members of the faculty who had recently completed the doctorate. The chapter sponsors - Drs. Don England, Joe Pryor and Neale Pryor - hosted meetings of the chapter in their homes during the year and officiated at the induction ceremonies. Dr. Joseph E. Pryor served as Secretary-Treasurer of the National Council for the eighth year and Dr . Dennis Organ served his second year as Editor of the Alpha Chi Recorder, the Alpha Chi Newsletter , and other publications of the Society . 'PRESIDING at the fall induction ceremony, Dr. Joseph Pryor gives qualifications for the society.