--_~RESHMEN---------------------------- 138 • Freshmen Pam Aaron, Searcy, AR AlIMrto ACOlta , Et Poso, TX Robert Adams, Sesser, IL Randy Alben, Davenport, IA Man: Albright, Avon Park, Fl Boll Aldridw, Calverton, NY Mark Aldridge, Courtland, MS Dan A1•••50, West Chicago, IL Joe AlexancMr, Searcy, AR Warren Allclre, Edmond, OK Sonia Allen, Clinton, AR Bonnie AMI , Madison, WI K.rth Alpaugh, Sanford, Fl Rusty Anderson, Jacksonville, AR 11U Anthony, Richardson, TX Anutacia Armstrong, Dumas , TX Brenda ArnoW, Wilmington, DE Janet Arnold, Dana Point, CA Le.11e Amold, Fort Worth, TX Cheryt Arthur, leesville, La D••Wlumy, Yorba Li~9, CA Steve Awtrey, St. Louis, MD Bobby Babbttt, Dallas, TX Kimberly Bailey, McHenry. Il Judy Baird, Bartlesville, OK Belinda Baker, Pine Bluff, AR Kathy Baker, Hot Springs, AR Lln....IBaIc.r, Morble Foils, TX Debb. IaU, McAlester, OK Rkky Bank.ton, Truman, AR Brian Baric,r, Shreveport, AR nm lame" Earle, AR ae'" Bartanen, Sullivan, lL ....,. lkIrtee, Richardson, TX Jeff Batie, Shreveport, LA JUST A bud The largest freshman class in the history of Harding started as a bud in the first of the fall , and began to bloom as t ime went by . They eagerl y partic ipated in the annual freshmantransfer talent show. Many students ran for class officer givi ng the freshmen a large r selection of candidates th an any oth~r cI ass. They worked together to carry off the $25 prize money from Hilarity as each began to f ind his place at Harding. 1. PAUSING in the Student Center, Judy Baird reads her mail. 2. FRESHMAN OFFICERS. Rhonda Cash , Treasurer; J.D. Yingling, Vice President; Not Pictured: Ross Clinton, President; Patrice Watson, Secretary. 3. INTENTlY, Mac Ramsey makes use of the library's facilities to study .