1977-1978 Yearbook

1. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES are dosely checked by freshman Bible major Don Mans-- field during his New Testament Survey class. 2. DIRECTING the singing. Eugene Conner takes an active role in the lectureship's Student Day opening adivities on the front lawn. l. TllE WARMTH of • fan aftemoon, the sound of falling water and the trunk of a tree combine to make an ideal study spot for Judy Baird. 4. MAKING his habitat on the school's front lawn, a squirrel perches in one of the giant oak trees. 5. ClASSES meeting on the lawn are not unc.ommon on warm afternoons. Dr. Neale Pryor teaches his Bible class outside in front of the Olen Hendrix Building. 6. DACTYLOLOGY members Judi Garne. and Julie Hogan speak in sign language during the club's chapel program. 7. GOOD NEWS lights up the face of Lori Smith as she listens to a friend. Prologue • 11