1977-1978 Yearbook

--SENIORS----------------i1 Graduation brings mixed emotions. Saying goodby to many good friends is sad, but finishing school is an overwhelming relief. A senior is torn between looking back on good memories and looking forward to new experiences . Looking back is the sad part . The outings to Petit Jean, the spring days at Heber and the Sunday afternoons at Wyldewood are hard to leave. Nothing can ever replace the security of Ch ri stian friends and the influence of Harding' s atmosphere. On the other hand , looking forward makes college seem inconsequential. It won't be hard to leave the 10:30 FILiX WALTON. Searcy, AI. Management. curfew, the cafeteria food, the chapel announcements or final exams . Though career life has its pressures and unpleasantries, learning from people is bound to be more exciting than learning from books! New friends and new experiences will take the place of old ones and finally using four years of college training will be satisfying . When all is said and done, though , the time finally arrives and there is no choice but to close one chapter and begin another. Whether a graduate looks back or looks forward , he eagerly realizes that time must move on. SM~LlNG, Mary Lee Dell receives her diploma .frOm Dr. Ganus at December graduation. DAVID WARI. Little Roclc, AI. Accounting. Dean' s list 2,3,4; Pi Gamma Psi 4; Delta Mu Delta 4. CINDY WARREN. Idabel, OK. Physicol Education. OEGE 1,2,3,4. JIM WARREN. Aiken, SC. Journalism. Sigma Tau Sigma 1,2,3,4, V.P. 2; Alpha Chi 4; Dean's list 1.2,3,4; Bison Stoff 1,2,3,4, Sports Editor 3, Editor 4; American Studies 3.4; Society of Collegiate Journalists 3,4. Tennis 1.2. BECKY WATSON. Nash, TX. Business Education. Transfer from Texarkana Community College. Shantih 2,3,4. MARY WEBB. JUdIOAta, AI. Speech Therapy. JAMIE WEIDNER. Ann Arbor, MI. Nursing. Transfer from David Lipscomb College. Kappa Phi 3,4, Historian 4; Nursing Club 3,4; Honor Society of Nursing 3,4; Circle K 3. 80B WENNER. FarmingdDle, NY. Management. Transfer from Great lakes Ctw"istian College. Alpha Omega 2,3; Dean' s list 4. EMILY WHISENANT. Cullman, At Nursing. Phi Delta 1,2,3,4, Athletic Dir. 2; Dean' s list 1; JOY 1,2,3,4; Northwest Campaigns 2; Big Sisters 2; Nursing HSNA 2,3,4. DEBORAH WHITAKER. Ining, TX. Biology. Omega Phi 1,2,3,4. CHESLEY WHITE. Sherwood, AR. Physical Education. Kappa Sigma Kappa 1,2,3,4. JUDY WHITE. Mabelvale, AR. Business Education. Regina 1,2,3,4, Pres. 3, V.P. 3, Treos . 1: Bison Bond 3; JOY 2,3; Internationa l Campaigns 3; Big Sisters 2; SNEA 4; Women's Interclub Council 4, Pres. 4. SHIRLEY WHITE. Athens, OH. General Business . Omega Phi 1,2,3,4, Treas. 2, Historian 3; Dean' s list 3,4. DAVID WILLIAMS. Niceville, fl. Accounting. Theta Tau Delta 1,2,3,4, Trees . 2; Dean' s list 2,3,4; American Studies 4; Pi Gamma Psi 4; Delta Mu Delta 3.4; Basketball Mgr. 2: Intramurols 1,2,3,4. DIANNE WILLIAMS. StuHgart, AR. Special Education. Kirei No Ai 1,2,3.4, Pres. 3, Hist. 4; Chorale 1,2,3.4; May Campaigns 1,3. JAMES WILLIAMS JR. Phoenix, AI. Bible. Transfer from Glendale Community College. Dactylology 3.4; Spelunkers 3.4: Tennis 3,4: Intramurals 3,4. 116 • Seniors