1977-1978 Yearbook

ANTHEA HARVEY. Annona, lX. Art Education. Tronsfer from Paris Junior College. Kirei No Ai 2,3,4; Lambda Sigma Queen 3.4; Kappa Delta Pi 3.4 . Kappa Pi 3,4; Spelunkers 4; Art Guild 2,3.4STEVE HAWLEY. lubboc., lX. Social Science. Mohican 1.2,3,4. MARK HAYES. Houma, LA. Biblical Languages. Chi Sigma Alpha 1,2,3,4. Sec. 3,4; Petit Jean Staff 2; Society of Collegiate Journalists 2,3.4; Timothy Club 2,3.4; Third World Mission Forum 4; Spring Break Campaign 1; Track 4. CHARLOnE HENDRIX. Conway, AI. Social Work. Snantih 1,2,3,4; Dean's list 1,4; NACSW 3,4; French Club 1,2. A i-tOME AWAY FROM i-tOME Some decisions in college life were inevitable such as wh ich classes to take, whether to attend first or second chapel, and where to li ve at college. The residence decision was critical and w ith five men's dormitories and four women's to choose from, sometimes it became difficult. Advantages and disadvantages had to be weighed w ith the dorm of one's choice winning. Some dormitories had certai n perils that had to be faced - Harbin, otherwise known as Siberia, was nice with its being the newest one for men , but one had to have a love of walking and not mind the long, cold trek to breakfast on winter mornings . Many men who chose Ke ller felt loyal to t hei r dorm w ith some wearing " To be or not 2-B" T-shirts showing their section of the Dorm . American Heritage was probably the most AT THE STOVE in the New Married Students' Apartments, Ann Hainley prepares the family's next meal. luxurious, but when the elevators went out, the three f lightsof stairs made one wonder if " Heri tage penthouse" was worth the trouble. Women li ving in Pattie Cobb and eat ing in the basement of that bui lding had a definite advantage because they cou ld get out of bed fi ve minutes before the breakfast line closed and still be there on time to be served. However, dormitori es were not the only housing available. For a lucky few, new houses built near campus became their home away from home. Some men were even courageous enough to cook their own meals instead of eat ing in one of the cafeterias. Women lived in available New Married Student Apartments, even though they were not married , and also enjoyed off-campus housing. Those marri ed students whose budgets would not all ow them the comforts of the newer apartments considered the Old Married Student Apartments as "home." InH HENNEMAN. Nashville, TN. Home Economics. Transfer from David lipscomb College. Tri·Sigma 1,2,3 ,4, Relig. Dir. 3; Dean's list 1,2; American Studies 3,4; JOY 2; lison Staff 3,4; Resident Assistant 3,4; AHEA 1,2,3,4, V.P. 3, Stote Chairman 4; Who's Who 4. DOUG HENNEMAN. Nashville, TN. Journalism. Beta Phi Kappa 1,2,3,4, Pres. 3,4 ; Dean's list 1; KHCA Staff 2,3; Bison Stoff 1,2,3,4; Sigma Tau Delta 3,4; Society of Collegiate Journalists 3,4; French Club 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2. LISA HENRY. Chattanooga, TN. Elementary Education. Omega Phi 1,2,3,4; A Cappella 2,3,4; Women's Ensemble 3,4; JOY 2.4; In-- ternational Campaigns 2,3; SNEA 3,4. LOWRY HERSHEY. OdesSG, TX. Speech. Beta Phi Koppa 1.2.3,4. RHEALYN HERSHEY. Odessa, TX . Mathematics. Delta Theta Epsilon 1,2.3,4. CHRISTINA HERTENSTEIN. Lynchburg, OH . Vocational Home Economics. Transferfrom Ohio Valley College. Delta Chi Omega 2,3,4, Relig. Dir. 4; Brazil Compaigns 4; SNEA 4; AHEA 3,5. JOANNA HICKMON. Searcy, AR . Elementary Education. Ju Go Ju 1,2,3,4 ; Homecoming Court 3. nNA HINES. Danville, IL. Social Science. Kirei Na Ai 1,2,3 ,4. Seniors • 101