1976-1977 Yearbook

_SENIORS_____________ Dr. George Benson devoted to Christian education From September, 1936, to June, 1965, George Benson guided the destiny of Harding College as her president. During those 29 years he worked untiringly and unceasingly to develop an excellent physical plant, raise a substantial endowment, develop a strong faculty, promote the aims and objectives of the college, gain regional and national accreditation for the academic program and increase the values of Christian education. He has imparted zeal and enthusiasm to thousands of students who have observed his exciting and purposeful Christian life. Energy, hard work, persistence and intense dedication to God are some of the dynamic characteristics that have made Dr. Benson eminently successful. When Dr. Benson arrived on campus on August 30, 1936, after 11 years in China and the Philippines as the first missionary of the churches of Christ to China, there was a debt of $67,000 on the plant, no endowment, and faculty members who had received only part of their meager salaries, and that often after several weeks' delay. He began immediately to implement a sound fiscal policy. On November 30, 1939, during the fall lectureship, the mortgage on the property was burned, culminating his first major fund raising goal. In 1941 he organized the National Education Program to distribute information on the American way of life, pointing out that our nation had been built upon three foundation stones: faith in God, constitutional government and a free enterprise economy. In March, 1942, he began a weekly ._ ____________________________________________________ _ HAUGH, J. KEVIN. Mannington, WV. Music Education. Transfer from Ohio Valley College. Chi Sigma Alpha 3,4,5; A Cappello 3,4; A Tempo 3,4,5; Belles & Beaux 3,4; SMENC 4,5. HAWLEY, STEPHEN. Lubb~, Tl. Social Science. Transfer from Yoric College. Mahicans 3,4, V.P. 4; Kappa Phi Beau 4; Alph Chi 4; American Studies 4; SNEA 4; lntromurals 3,4. HELTON, ROBERT. Spring, TX. Business Administration. Alpha Omega 1,2,3,4; Tennis 2,3,4; lntromurals 1,2,3,4. HENDRIX, DAVID. Antoine, Al. Finance. Mahicans 1,2,3,4, Pres. 4, Treas. 3; American Studies 2,3,4. HENNEMAN, DOUGW. Nashville, TN. Journalism and French. Beta Phi Kappa. HENSLEY, UREN. Sardis, MS. Business Education. Transfer from University of Mississippi. Zeta Phi Zeta 2,3,4, Hist. 2; Treas. 4; Moy Campaigns 3; Co-ed 3,4; SNEA 4. HERRINGTON, STEPHEN. Pine Bluff, AR. Elementary Education. Galaxy 1,2,3,4, V.P. 3, Sec. 2; Ju Go Ju Beau 2,3; Bison Booster 1,2,3,4,5; International Campaigns 5; Moy Campaigns 2,3; Dactylology 3,4; Firemarshal 4; SNEA 2,3,4,5; Young Democrats 2,3. HERSHEY, LOWRY EUGENE. Odessa, TX. Speech. Beta Phi Kappa. HERTENSTEIN, CHRISTINA ARLENE. Lynchburg, OH. Vocational Home Economics. Transfer from Ohio Valley College. Delta Chi Omega 3 4 Devotional Chairman 4; AHEA 4; C<>-ed 3,4. ' ' HICKS, MELINDA. Se•cy, AR. Art. Oege, sponsor 4; Dean's List 3. H~LL_, ROBE~T. Parkton, MD. Accounting. Lambda Sigma 1,2,3,4, V.P. 4; Kire, Na Ar Beau 4; Dean's List 1,2,3,4; American Studies 4; Moy Campaigns 2; lntramurals 1,2,3,4. HINKLE, _MIKE. Tulsa, OK. General Science. Chi Sigma Alpha 1,2,3,4; Alpha Ch, 4; Moy Campaigns 2; Chorale l · Pre-Med Club 1 2· Pre-Dental Club 4. ' ' ' HINKLE, REBECCA. Tulsa, OK. Vocational · ome Economics. Transfer from Abilene Christian University. Ju Go Ju 2,3,4; Alpha Chi 3,4; Senior Home Ee onomics Award 3; AHEA 2,3,4; Moy Campaigns 2. HIN~AN, PAM. _Grov~s, TX. Home Economics. Transfer from Stephen F. Austin State ~nrversity. Phi Delta 3,4; Northeast Campaigns 3; Spring Break Campaigns 3; Dactylology 3; Resident Assistant 4. HO~GE, KATHRYN. St. James, MO. Social Worlc. Gata 1,2,3,4, Devotional Chairman 4; Behavioral Science Club 1,2,3,4; Big Sisters 1,2,3,4; I~ ter~ational C~mpaigns 1,2,3,4; Campus Players 1,2,3,4; JOY 1,2,3,4; Resident Assistant 1,2,3,4; lntromurols 1,2,3,4. HOFFMAN, BARBARA. Parter, CO. French. Transfer York College and Metro State College. Alpha Chi 4; Chorale l; Co-ed 1,2,3,4; French Club 1,2,3,4; JOY 3; Koppa Delta Pi 4; Science Club 1; Sigma Tau Delta 4; SNEA 4; Gymnastics 1,2. 92- SENIORS