1976-1977 Yearbook

_____ SENIORS ___________ -====~ BROWN, JANICE ELAINE. Memphis, TN. Special Education. Transfer from Memphis State University. Zeta Rho 1,2,3,4, Pres. 4; Art Guild 1; Bison staff 1,2,3,4; May Campaigns 2; Chorale 2; Dactylology 3; JOY 3; KHCA staff 1; SNEA 4; Spelunkers 2; lntramurals 1,2,3,4. BROWN, JACK STEPHEN. Ellenwood, GA. Bible. King's Men 1,2,3,4. BRYAN, ALAN BRANT. Florence, Al. Bible and Accounting. Chi Sigma Alpha 1,2,3,4; Alpho Chi 3,4; SA Rep. 2; Executive Council 2,3,4; American Studies 3,4; Big Brothers l; Delta Mu Delta 3,4; Emory Business Team 3,4; Pi Gamma Psi 3,4; Timothy Club 1,2,3,4; Who's Who 4. BRYAN, DEBBIE. Houston, TX. Special Education. Phi Delta 1,2,3,4, Pres. 3, Treas. 2; May Fete Royalty l; May Campaigns l; Chorale l; Circle K 4; Dactylology 2; JOY 2,3,4; SNEA 4. BRYAN, JANn. Houston, TX. Home Economics. Phi Delta 1,2,3,4, Historian 1, Sec. 2, V.P. 3; AHEA 4; Dactylology l; JOY l; Resident Assistant 3,4. BUCY, BEVERLY. Searcy, AR. Elementary Education. GATA 1,2,3,4; A Cappello 1,2,3,4; Resident Assistant 3; SNEA 3,4. BURKE, TOM. Bullowayo, Rhodesia. Fraters Sodalis 1,2,3,4; Northeast Campaigns 1. BURNITT, CHERRY. lake Charita, LA. Nursing. BUTTERFIELD, STEVE. Searcy, AR. Psychology and Bible. BYRD, CEDRIC. Menifee, AR. Physical Education. Galaxy 1,2,3,4. CAIN, PERRY. Me p is, TN. Mass Communications. Chi Sigma Alpha 1,2,3,4, V.P. 4; May Campaigns 2; KHCA staff 1,2,3, station manager 4; Class Officer 3; lntramurals 2,3. CALDWELL, DAN. Nevada, MO. Psychology. Sub T• 16 1,2,3,4; Beau Ko Jo Kai 3,4; Big Brothers 4; Campus Players 1,2; Psychology Club 3,4; Swimming 2,4; lntramurals 1,2,3,4. CAMERON, KENNY. Shreveport, LA. Psychology and Bible. Knights 1,2,3,4; Beau Kappa Phi 3; Alpha Chi 3,4; Northeast Campaigns 1,2; Psychology Club 4; Timothy Club 1,2,3,4; World Evangelism Forum l; Psi Chi 4. CAMPBELL, LINDA KATHRYN. Searcy, AR. English. Regina 1,2,3,4; Alpha Chi 3,4; A Cappello 1,2,3; A Tempo 2; International Campaigns 3; Campus Players 1,2; French Club 3; JOY 2,3; Petit Jean staff 3; Resident Assistant 2; Sigma Tau Delta 3,4; Societv of Collegiate Journalists 3,4; SA Social Affairs Committee 3; Who's Who 4. CANNON, JOSEPH. lat, IMw G i a. Psychology . CANNON, LEONARD. lat, New Gu' ea. Social Science, Knights 1,2,3,4, Athletic Director 4; Beau Phi Delta 4; International Club 1; Men's Wing Counselor 3,4; SNEA 3,4: Soehmkers l; lntramurals 1,2,3,4. 'Airmail, again' 20 to the left, 25 to the right and 45 back to the left - a simple combination to a little metal box. Similar combinations made up an important facet of every student's life at Harding, namely, mailcheck. Mailcheck had many aspects. It was done several times a day, with the vague hope that the person's mailbox would be filled with various treasures - letters, postcards, or occasionally even edible goodies. But, more often than not it was filled with what came to be commonly termed as "airmail." Everyone soon learned that the 84 - SENIORS busiest time was before and after chapel each day. Students often spent five minutes dodging the masses just trying to reach their boxes. Reactions to the opening of each box was varied - the slamming of a door was heard, quite often followed by a resigned sigh. Frowns marred the faces of some while squeals of delight and satisfied smiles were the responses of others. Mailcheck was a link to treasured relationships - whether it was just labeled Campus Mail or postmarked from a distant state. It brought family and friends closer. Certainly mailcheck was one of the more frustrating, surprising and interesting activities of college life. ANTICIPATING mail, Bob Dover checks his box.